Sell tickets to your shows

Create my event


We handle the payment processing. You get money in your bank.


Quickly scan people in using just your smartphone. (Or print a guest list.)


Create your own seating plan and make seated tickets easy to buy.

Music Workshop Charity Wellness Shows Private Food/Drinks Sports
How it works

How it works

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Create your event & add tickets

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Promote your page to sell tickets online & register guests

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Receive ticket revenue in your bank account

Here's how to get started

We give you the tools to...

...display all upcoming shows in one place under your organiser profile

...sell tickets on your own site by embedding our ticket widget

...easily set up your seated venue to sell tickets with seat reservations

...manage different ticket pricing levels like adult, child, senior, and so on

...embed videos - like highlight reels from your past shows - directly on your event page the guest list in any format or use our free app to scan people in

See all features

Sell nothing? Pay nothing. Really.

You never pay upfront to use the platform. We only take a cut when you sell a ticket. You decide who pays this fee: You or your guests.

Customer Story: Josh Lenn (International Theater Stockholm)

Josh loves the "do it yourself" aspect of using Billetto and being able to adjust things on the fly. Watch his story:

Ready to give it a try? It's free.

Create my event