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Reiki sound bath using gong and crystal singing bowls

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Reiki sound bath using gong and crystal singing bowls

De GBP 20,00



Nov 13 2022 17:00 - 18:30


Why not shed the stress of the week and enjoy a relaxing and healing Sunday evening.

As you lay down under your soft blanket, I'll guide you through a Reiki activated relaxation enabling you to stop that whirring mind, relax your body and let go of the stress of the week. 

The moon is full in Pisces, the perfect time for you to release all that is not serving you and celebrate all you have achieved. 

What's a gong bath?

Don't worry, there's no water involved and you get to keep your clothes on :-)

Think of the gong bath like a “cheat code” to meditation. You lay and listen to the gong and your body and mind intuitively go to work helping you reach altered and healing states.

As you bathe in the deep vibrations of the crystal singing bowls and the gong, all the cells in the body begin to resonate, stimulating the vagus nerve which controls your bodies relaxation response, helps prevent inflammation in the body and can slow your heart rate. Therapeutic sounds have been shown to inhibit the stress or pain response as well as having a positive effect on your heart and respiratory rates. 

They entrain the brain to theta brain wave frequencies where visualisation and the creative power of your mind starts. As you relax deeper you may find you enter a trance-like state, or are able to access different levels of consciousness not explored before.

People often report deep meditative and peaceful states, clarity of mind, and deeper connections to their intuition.

In the years that I have been using sound therapeutically, I've seen miraculous results with people reporting migraines disappearing, anxiety calming, improved sleep patterns, healing surgery pain and other incredible recoveries.

What are people saying about working with gong? 

“The gong is more accurately a force of energy, "like a divine engine, affecting the body's meridians. By and large, after it's over, you just feel great, you feel like you've been healed by the spirit of nature." Don Conreau

"The effects lasted well into the evening and even the next morning, when I felt an incredible sense of calm and focus." 

-Priyam Sharma - from Huffington Post article Why every stressed out person should try a gong meditation.

"Before I came to Rachael's gong bath, I was busy and stressed out! I was conscious of time and feeling too wired to relax. It was a beautifully run gong bath. Really relaxing, gentle and healing. The gentle, calm ambiance you managed to create, is the best thing. It was a really lovely event, Rachael. Thank you."

"I feel so much more relaxed and calm!"

“I have done gong before but this was so different, I think it’s the best one I have been to.”

"Thank you, absolutely loved it!! feel so so relaxed, tingles all over xxxxx"

"That was amazing Rach. Can’t wait til next week!"

"Beautiful experience in an incredible setting. A deeply held space of safety and warmth. Thank you!!"

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "Beautiful soulful experience. Highly recommend x"

Although gong and cacao are known to be safe alternative therapies there are some contraindications to take into account.
It is not recommended to join a gong bath if:
- You have a severe mental health issue
- Suffer from serious heart conditions or have a pacemaker
- You are on heavy medication
- You are under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- You are in the first trimester of your pregnancy
- You are under 13 years old
- You have metal implants in your body (contraceptive coils are fine)
- You suffer from sound-induced epilepsy
- You are triggered by loud and or unexpected noises or vibrations
- You have a recent or unresolved trauma that you may not be ready to face in deep meditation.

If you have any queries as to whether this may be suitable for you please email us in advance of the event and we will be happy to speak with you.

Much Love

The doors open at 5pm for a 5.10 pm start. PLEASE ARRIVE PROMPTLY THE SOUND WILL START AT 5.10PM THERE IS NO ENTRY AFTER THIS TIME. The sound bath will finish at 6.20pm so you have a little time to recalibrate and share your experience afterward, should you so wish.

***Please note you may wish to bring your own mat, eye mask and wear comfy clothes/ bring additional layers if you tend to get cold. Some mats and blankets are available.


Rachael is an experienced EFT and sound therapist based between London and Hastings, UK.

Her main focus is on empowering women to heal so they can live from a place of inner power and happiness. She shares her incredible story of overcoming burnout, depression, anxiety, PTSD and suicide attempts to be voted one of London’s best alternative therapists by Time Out which inspires others that they can also transform and grow.

Her life-changing strategies, sound healings and wisdom are in demand from companies like Vans, TikTok, Spotify, Reuters, and Weetabix among others. She has been featured as an expert in anxiety, depression and mindset in the mainstream press and on podcasts like Frankie Bridge’s Open Mind. She’s driven by the transformation in her clients, often receiving handwritten cards and messages on how the tools and techniques she shares have changed lives.

Rachael offers Happy Habits Club and the Things I Wish I’d Known podcast. 

Join us on retreat this January for Review Release Renew 

You can find her @rachael_welford on Instagram or by clicking the links above. 


Peachy Peachy, 49 Essenden Rd, TN38 0NN Saint Leonards-on-sea


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