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Zealous X Creative Industry Talks - “Challenge”

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Zealous X Creative Industry Talks - “Challenge”

Von 28,00 GBP



14. Januar 2016, 10:30 Uhr - 17:00


The arts enrich our world. Explore how creativity is disrupting our social fabric, and discuss the issues confronting our creators and solutions in crafting tomorrow’s world.

By purchasing a ticket, you are directly supporting creators. 51% of the price of your ticket goes directly to the 100+ creatives showcased during the festival.

Speakers are being confirmed as you read, check http://x.zealous.co/speakers for breaking news on those sharing their insights at Zealous X.

Day Schedule

10:55 - Creative Migration - Panel

Has London become too expensive to be creative? Are we pushing away our creative class? Come and discuss how we can keep its creative edge, hold on promising talent and attract fresh creatives to the UK.

with Dr. Andrew Harris (Co-Directors UCL Urban LAB, University College London)

12:10 - Alternative Money - Panel

With distribution channels changing; digital media being devalued and public funding running dry, funding projects and making money isn't quite what it used to be. Come and learn how to challenge the times and get paid.

Guy Armitage (CEO, Zealous) with Matt James (Grants Adviser, Wellcome Trust), Dave Birss (Editor at Large, The Drum), Thomas Walters (Head of Creative, Billion Dollars Boy)

14:00 - "Have your circumstances Changed" - Keynote

Find out how a cookery course at St. Luke’s Community Centre inspired Lu Kemp to confront the audience with the daunting daily routines of aging men.

With Lu Kemp (Award Winning Theatre Maker)

14:35 - Social Disruption - Panel

Creativity reflects our hopes and fears; challenges our freedom of expression and acts as a potent agent for social change. Come and experience 3 projects that help shine a light on society's darkest corners.

Host: Lisa Higgins (Freelance Journalist), Adrian Jackson (Artistic Director & CEO, Cardboard Citizens), Amit Sharma (Associate Director, Graeae Theatre) Kim Evans OBE (Chair, Clean Break Theatre)

15:40 - Conversation with Sarah Maple - Fireside Chat

Host: Valentina Fois (Director of Marketing, Zealous) with Sarah Maple(Artist)

We are currently in talks with a speaker to share their successes, the challenges they have faced and their vision of the future. Check http://x.zealous.co/speakers for breaking news on confirmed speakers. In the meantime get a good deal on a ticket now.

For more inspiring talks part of our 10 days programme:

Grow (11th of January)
Join industry leaders in discussing the creative economy, empowerment for arts, funding and making space for creating in our cities. More info

Evolve (12th of January)
Discover what future technologies can do to access new audiences in completely novel ways and challenge the creativity of tomorrow. More info

Engage (13th of January)
Explore novel ways of story telling, be inspired by projects that challenge current narratives and push the boundaries of your relationship with your audience. More info

Challenge (14th of January)
Discuss how creativity challenges the norm, tells richer stories, unlocks our cities and allows for alternative ways of making money. More info

Learn (15th of January)
Empower yourself to learn through alternative methods, create opportunity through collaboration and unlock creative opportunities across industries. More info

“Challenge” is part of the Zealous X festival; unleashing creativity over 10 days at Rich Mix. Come and experience creativity like never before, discuss the industry alongside leaders, learn new skills, listen to great music, discover inspiring performances, all that's now missing is you.

Zealous X is brought to you by Zealous, an online platform matching creative talent with jobs, projects, festivals and more. Find out more


Find creative exhibitions, paid opportunities and cash-prize competitions. Come say hello at our next #ZealousMeetups event! www.zealous.co


Rich Mix, 35-47 Bethnal Green Rd, E1 6LA London


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