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Veranstaltung beendet


Von 7,00 GBP



01. März 2018, 18:30 Uhr - 21:00


WERK is a movement and sound ritual that centers Queer people of colour and celebrates the music, art and creativity of the African Diaspora and its peoples.

WERK is inspired by and pays tribute to the QTIPOC communities around the world that have used dance parties and rituals as a means to resist, heal, build community, sustain activism and connect to joy. These spaces have often become portals for Black excellence and creativity. We build on your legacy.

WERK is a ritual to decolonize. For African heritage people, our communities traditionally used dance and sound rituals to heal, celebrate, practice our spirituality and build community bonds. We aim to reimagine and recreate a space to reclaim movement and sound healing as our birthright.

WERK is an alcohol free space and we request that you do not come to the event intoxicated. This event is an invitation to be in your body and experience how sound and movement affects you without intoxication. Many people experience feelings of euphoria, joy, release and sometimes altered states of consciousness.

WERK is an intentional space to get down, hear great music, connect to yourself, feel your body, process, come as you are, celebrate, Twerk, roll on the floor, rest and just generally do you… As long as it’s not harming anyone else it’s all welcome.

The format

Arrival → Yoga → Dance → Sound healing → Close

Rough timing: 6.30 - Yoga , 7pm - Dance , 8.30- Sound healing


→ No talking on the dancefloor (feel free to make other noises).

→ No phones on the dancefloor. Please turn your phone off/on silent when you arrive.

→ Be in your body and focus on your own experience.


→ Wear loose, comfortable clothing to move in.

→ Make an intention of something you want to call in/let go of before the dance.

→ Bring a water bottle with you.

There will be water and fruit available.

WERK is an intentional space, prioritising QUEER, TRANS AND NON BINARY FOLK OF COLOUR. Any behaviour deemed as disrespectful, classist, sexist, racist or homophobic will not be tolerated.



Centre 151, 151 Whiston Rd, E2 8BL London


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