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Wellness Retreat

Evento annullato

Wellness Retreat

Da GBP 35,00



Apr 04 2020 21:39 - Apr 06 2020 02:39


Welcome in Spring with an uplifting and transformational retreat. The day will be held around the same time as the Spring Equinox. The Equinox is a shift bringing balance into the world as light returns, darkness retreats and union and harmony are brought into our lives once again. Lightness and warmth awake the Earth after a long winter encouraging us to listen to what is yearning to come forth and blossom. This retreat will support just that.  

It's the perfect time to come together as a group to celebrate the arrival of Spring through our yoga and mindfulness practice and merge with nature through what we eat.

Hosted at the welcoming Space at the Mill Studio in Castlefield, Manchester, you’ll feel uplifted as soon as you walk through the doors.

The morning will include:
A well balanced soulful morning flow
Mindfulness Workshop: Balancing negativity with joy 
Pranayama (Yogic breathing) techniques 
Chant for Vitality
Restorative Yin Yoga session 
A nutritious plant-based brunch
Leave with a goodie bag abundant with treats
Yoga sessions are suitable for all levels.

We will focus on the loving benefits of yoga and meditation, reducing stress and ways to improve your wellbeing. You’ll leave feeling gorgeous and renewed, not to mention, connected and loved.

Take a look at the gorgeous schedule that will leave you feeling totally refreshed…

Move with purpose through a 60 mins soulful morning yoga flow to fill you with a sense of strength, joy and stability. 

Explore our inbuilt biological tendencies to experience life through the lens of threat and learn practical and attainable ways to balance this out through the practice of kindness, compassion and joy. 

PRANAYAMA (Yogic breathing)
Prajna = Lifeforce and energy and this stagnates and gets stuck inside. Connect with life's fire, and burn through blockages with the dynamic yogic breathing practice of Pranayama. 

Since ancient times people have used chanting to help calm and focus the mind and access deeper levels of awareness. Chanting is wonderful for us. It is an ACTIVE mindfulness practice that is expressive, joyful and supremely healing.

A relaxing and restorative “yin” yoga session where the emphasis is more on deep stretching and release and is generally a more mindful practice moving slower, holding postures for longer and mostly composed of seated and supine postures.

We've teamed up with Beth from Green & Wild Co, a vegan and veggie meal prep company, to ensure your insides are treated as well as your mind and body, nourishing you from the inside out. 

During this half-day retreat, you’ll get the opportunity to journey through these amazing activities, take-home skills and techniques helping you live life more connected, fruitful and in support of your unique optimum health.

Please bring a blanket, warm socks, and a jumper to get cosy for your disco nap and a notepad /journal to take down any notes during the reflective activities.

*** Please arrive at the venue at 09.00 as the class will start promptly at 9:30 ***


Luogo dell'evento

Space at the Mill Space at the Mill, Wellington Mill, M3 4NF Manchester


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