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Wellness Morning Retreat

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Wellness Morning Retreat

Von 35,00 GBP



15. September 2019, 09:30 Uhr - 13:00


Would you like to take a break out of your busy lifestyle?
Are you feeling burnt-out?

We’ve created the perfect escape to give you the chance to take it super easy, filling your body, mind and soul with all the good stuff at our wellness morning retreat.

Hosted at the welcoming Space at the mill Studio in Castlefield, Manchester, you’ll feel calm and collected as soon as you walk through the doors.

We will focus on the loving benefits of yoga, reducing stress and ways to improve your wellbeing. You’ll leave feeling gorgeous and renewed….plus a little more connected and loved.

Take a look at the gorgeous schedule that will leave you feeling totally refreshed...

Move with purpose through a 75 mins grounding slow yoga flow to detox the gut and fill you with a sense of strength and stability. 

Destress the body and mind to get deeper into the body.

DISCO NAP (Yoga Nidra)
Expect to fall into a deep meditative state where healing can take place and balance is restored for the body, mind and soul.

Enjoy a tummy loving healthy brunch whilst learning about how food can heal the body and mind, why you should care about your gut health and the positive changes you can make.

Looking after the gut is an important part of our overall health. So, why not enjoy a healthy gut-friendly brunch while learning about why good gut health is essential. You will come away from this session with plenty of deliciois recipes to make your gut, a happy gut!

During this half-day retreat, you’ll get the opportunity to try all of these amazing activities and techniques while learning how to live more of a fruitful way of life, in contribution for optimum health from the inside out.

Please bring a blanket to get cosy for your disco nap and a notepad to take down any notes during the ‘Gut-Friendly Brunch’ session.

*** Please arrive at the venue at 09.00 as the class will start promptly at 9:30 ***


I’m continually inspired by yoga’s transformative power—both internally and externally, and find it to be a source of love and strength. I strive to bring a sense of fun, freedom and kindness to all my classes, and hope to impart yogic wisdom along the way. My classes are vinyasa-based (linking breath with movement) with strong emphasis on alignment and from time to time I throw in elements from other types of yoga I have studied.


We are delighted to be collaborating with Vanessa Jade Sowden, of ‘NaturalNess’ for this weekend retreat.

With her passion for a plant based and sustainable lifestyle alongside an ever expanding knowledge of nutrition and wellbeing, this weekend you will be nourished by her yummy earth friendly food whilst learning how food can be not only tasty but healing too.

‘Food is truly medicine for your body, and it should be fun too. Having variety and colour in your life is part and privilege of being human’



Space at the Mill Space at the Mill, Wellington Mill, M3 4NF Manchester


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