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Voices of the Polar Night

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Voices of the Polar Night

De GBP 14,00



Abr 07 2024 13:00 - 14:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Reserva con confianza: Billetto garantiza reembolsos por eventos cancelados, para tu tranquilidad. Lee más


Voices of the Polar Night is an immersive choral experience where a blindfolded audience is surrounded by singers, enveloped in music, sound and unforgettable tales from lands where winter expels the sun.

Based on an Icelandic legend of a man in search of Fear, this queer retelling brings together a new text by writer-performer Jonathan Ainscough with the powerful voices of low-voiced LGBTQ+ choir The Sunday Boys. Come and experience singing and stories like you've never heard before in this immersive and innovative presentation of music from the darkest places on earth.

Please arrive at Box Office at HOME Manchester at the time stated on your ticket. We will then take you over to Q-Park where the performance will take place. The performance will last approximately thirty minutes. It may be cold in there, so please do dress warmly! You will be seated for the performance.

In order to immerse yourself fully in this experience, we recommend using one of the blindfolds we will have available for you to use. However, this is not an absolute necessity and you need not wear one if it will make you feel too uncomfortable.

Due to the nature of the performance, it will not be possible for latecomers to be admitted or for anyone who leaves mid-performance to be readmitted. No refunds will be available to latecomers.

For any access requirements and personal assistant tickets, please email us at to arrange.


The Sunday Boys was started by Michael Betteridge in January 2016 to give Manchester LGBTQ+ low voices in the city to socialise and learn to sing.

The Sunday Boys is open to any one that has a low voice and wants to sing in an inclusive and friendly environment.


HOME Theatre Manchester, 2 Tony Wilson Place, M15 4FN Manchester


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