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Viva London: Viva Acappella, Double Date & Portobello Road

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Viva London: Viva Acappella, Double Date & Portobello Road

De GBP 15,00



Sep 30 2017 19:30 - 21:30
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Viva Acappella are very excited to announce our big concert of the year.

Our first very special guests will be two times World Mixed barbershop champion quartet, DOUBLE DATE, in their UK concert debut! Spearheading the growth in popularity for mixed quartets in the USA and barbershop-worldwide, we can't wait to share the stage with this incredible group.
From their website:
"Double Date is a vocal quartet formed in 2012. They met in choir at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. In both 2014 and 2016, they won the Barbershop in Germany! World Mixed quartet competition.
The quartet consists of two couples: Michaela and Nathan, and Blair and Ravi. They're best friends. Their two beautiful dogs are best friends, too."

Fresh from their BABS Gold Medal win we're excited to have Portobello Road joining us!
With an impressive performance heritage of over 100 years between them, the current British Association of Barbershop Singers Gold medal quartet Portobello Road could, justifiably, describe themselves as experienced. Formed in 2013, winning in 2017 was the crowning glory for this group who have, between them, amassed 13 Gold medals along with numerous other colours.

Our MC for the evening is barbershopper and musician extraordinaire,Simon Arnott.
Simon is a young British composer, music educator, arranger and barbershopper. He is currently the Director of two choruses in London,London City Singers (current SABS International Chorus Champions) andMeantime Chorus (current BABS Small Chorus Champions). He is bass of two award-winning BABS quartets: Park Street Quartet were 2012 Youth Champions and 2014 National Champions, and Trailblazers won the Youth contest in 2015 and are current SABS International Quartet Champions.
This is only a small amount of Simon's musical pedigree (as well as his BA Hons in Music and current Head of Music position in a London Pre-Prep)! We're delighted to have him on board for the concert in September. Follow his Facebook page: Simon Arnott: Composer, Arranger, Conductor & Educator.

Viva Acappella is an award-winning all female a cappella choir based in Kent, ranked 20th in the world at the Sweet Adelines International Convention in Las Vegas October 2016. We're taking a year out of competing after our wonderful trip across the pond last autumn, but we haven't been sitting idle - we can't wait to share our new music as well as old favourites with you all!

With a central London venue, some of the biggest names in British barbershop and a US quartet like no other, this isn't a gig to be missed! Click attending now to keep up to date.


Regent Hall, 275 Oxford St, W1C 2DJ London


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