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UNISON West Midlands 3rd Regional Games

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UNISON West Midlands 3rd Regional Games

De Gratuito



Jul 21 2018 09:00 - 16:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Reserva con confianza: Billetto garantiza reembolsos por eventos cancelados, para tu tranquilidad. Lee más


UNISON West Midlands invites you and your community to join us for the third UNISON Regional Games!

Sat 21st July, 09:00 – 16:00

Holford Drive Community Sports Hub

101 Holford Drive, Perry Barr

Birmingham B42 2TU

The UNISON Games are a free community sports event for UNISON members and staff plus our friends and family, in the broadest sense of the word - anyone who you know is welcome to join us.

You can see photos of the 2016 Games here:

...and the 2017 Games here:

We would love for you and your community to be involved in making the 2018 Games happen – you can register now to be there at this link:

We are very excited to announce the following special guests:

  • The West Midlands’ only female pro boxer, Lauren 'the Black Widow' Johnson
  • Pat Reeves, World Champion Powerlifter, former marathon winner and cancer survivor from Kingswinford
  • Cat Smith, British Junior Deadlift Record holder
  • AFC Unity, socially progressive women's footie team from Sheffield
  • The Easton Cowboys and Cowgirls from Bristol - world spanning sports and social club who once had Banksy as goalie

...with more still to be confirmed!

Sports and activities include:

  • Monster 5-a-side football tournament - mens/womens/mixed/kids
  • Cricket with Continental Star Cricket Club
  • Rugby
  • Boxing
  • Races
  • Brazilian Jiu Jitsu with Gracie Barra Wolverhampton
  • Yoga
  • Cardio challenges
  • Strength training tasters
  • Netball
  • Tabletennis
  • Biking
  • Dance workshops
  • Stalls and talks
  • Delicious food to suit all diets

Could we ask you to please do 2 things?

1. We are looking for 5-a-side football teams of all ages, genders, and ability. If you would like to enter a team then please get each member to register now using this link:

2. Share this registration link and the attached poster and flyer with anyone who you'd like to come on the day, whether to take part or just to watch and enjoy themselves:

It’s all free, and all sports participants and volunteers also get free food.

We really hope you can join us, and we look forward to seeing you there.



Holford Drive Community Sports Hub Holford Drive Community Sports Hub, 101 Holford Drive, Perry Barr , B42 2TU Birmingham


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    Si se ponen más entradas a la venta, se te notificará (por correo electrónico) a ti y a otros que se han apuntado en la lista. Las entradas se compran por orden de llegada. Para obtener más información, consulta este artículo.

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    Consulta la página de confirmación de tu pedido o el correo electrónico de confirmación del pedido. Normalmente, el organizador del evento proporciona los detalles en el correo electrónico de confirmación del pedido o puede enviarte un correo electrónico de seguimiento con un enlace al evento en línea. También puedes leer la descripción del evento en Billetto, donde el organizador del evento debe incluir instrucciones sobre cómo unirse al evento en línea. Para obtener más información sobre esto, consulta este artículo.

  • ¿Qué es la garantía de reembolso y por qué la necesitaría?

    La garantía de reembolso te da la seguridad de que, si por circunstancias imprevistas e inevitables no puedes asistir a un evento, podrás pedir un reembolso. Para obtener más información sobre esto, consulta este artículo.

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