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Twisted sounds 1st birthday presents Flexout Hereord

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Twisted sounds 1st birthday presents Flexout Hereord

De GBP 8,00



15 SEP 2017 22:00 - 16 SEP 2017 03:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Réservez en toute confiance : Billetto garantit le remboursement des événements annulés, assurant ainsi votre tranquillité. En savoir plus


To celebrate the first birthday of Twisted Sounds we have linked up with London based underground drum and bass label Flexout Audio. Flying in from China Arkaik headlines alongisde QZB from Basel, Switzerland and Flexout head honcho Bassi. With support from Twisted Sound DJ's this is going to be one party to remember!

Arkaik - It all began over a decade ago, somewhere deep in the Surrey hills, that Peter Goebel AKA Arkaik discovered the all consuming musical drug that was drum and bass. After being sucked in by producers such as Bad Company, Dillinja and Roni Size it wasn't long before he was playing in clubs in and around the UK and dabbling in production shortly after. In 2008 Arkaik became a resident for Ba...ssment in Reading, playing before artists such as Noisia, Break, Calibre and Icicle to name but a few. The rolling drums and thick sub basslines were a huge inspiration and are still apparent within his production and mixing style today, however it was the emergence of the more minimal sound championed by artists such as Data, Spectrasoul and Instra:mental that really inspired Arkaik's current clean and stripped back sound. 2010 saw Arkaik's first release Stress Relief/Second Bass (DIFF004) on the infamous label Diffrent Music, this would prove to be a landmark moment and the first of many releases on Diffrent. After forming a tight bond the Diffrent Music Crew went on to host many nights at Cafe 10001, Brick Lane and alongside the Genesis crew at various clubs around London. Since his first release Arkaik went on to win the Octane & DLR remix competition hosted by the mighty Dispatch Recordings in early 2012. With support from the likes of Doc Scott, Ant TC1, Chris SU, Mindscape, Ulterior Motive and Need For Mirrors this gave Arkaik a platform to release his first EP on Diffrent Music titled Trauma EP (DIFF011D) shortly after. Fast forward to 2017 and the name arkaik is known by a lot of people with the future only bringing more ! Arkaik's recenet releases such as EP titled Cutting Edge, Proximity recordings and his highly rated shapes EP has gained a lot of recognition in the underground community, with plays from artists like Amoss, BTK, DBRUK, Skeptical, Alix Perez, Bredren, DLR just to name a few! Later this year is leading to another Stella release from arkaik on dispatch we are sure will not be one to miss!

QZB - Formely known as Qbig and Zenith B have recently gone through a name changed to QZB which to us sounds qo times better! the duo are based in basel switzerland and have knocked up releases on highly respected labels such as flexout, counterpoint records, demand records, liquidcity and konfront audio to name a few! there style of harding cutting bass and future drum patterns makes all of there releases highly anticipated. There most recent release of coma and sense MC dionysys is a huge favourite with the twisted sounds residents and will no doubt be heard blaring through the basement again. Big things are coming for QZB in the year with a vinyl release on one of the biggest labels in the game at the moment CRITICAL music which will dropping this year! Believe us when we say these boys have got some serious projects in the work

Bassi - The main man himself! was formerly part of the duo retraflex with joe london ( PRTCL). Bassi started up the highly respected label flexout and still runs it today! its easy to see hes doing the job well with artists such as Arkaik, Amoss, QZB, Bredren, Fearful and others are on his label roster. This man knows how to play a set and what will get every person going in a rave. His set will be full of dubplates for sure

Sense MC - Sense has been in the scene for years and has been in microphone control for the likes of Goldie, data, doc Scott, Randall just to name a few! Sense is one of the most lyrically gifted Mcs to ever grace the scene! With His fresh cutting style he is constantly creating new bars with every one having its own significant meaning. He's represented many labels which has made the scene it is today. His recent feature on Nymfo & Phase's EP on dispatch recordings and his highly anticipated solo album elephant in the room which released earlier this year. Sense will be doing his craft over arkaik and QZB sets and will sure add that extra piece to the night.

Also a 90 minute Twisted Sounds resident showcase with Vexed (Glade&Smiff) Rezin, Apex, Fenris and Formal with support from C.A and Huzzy


Speakeasy Bar, Bridge Steet, HR4 9DG Hereford

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