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Tring Cinema outdoor screening - Ferris Bueller's Day Off

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Tring Cinema outdoor screening - Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Från 6,00 GBP



13 jul 2018 20:00 - 23:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Boka tryggt med oss: Billetto garanterar återbetalning vid inställda event. Läs mer


Tring Cinema presents an outdoor screening of the 80s classic Ferris Bueller's Day off. Bring your own food, drink, blankets and camping chairs for the screening of this 80s cult classic!

Doors open at 8:00pm. Film starts at 9:15pm (sunset)

Address: Nora Grace Hall, Faversham Close, Tring, Hertfordshire HP23 5BA

About the film

Ferris Bueller (Matthew Broderick) has an uncanny skill at cutting classes and getting away with it. Intending to make one last duck-out before graduation, Ferris calls in sick, "borrows" a Ferrari, and embarks on a one-day journey through the streets of Chicago. On Ferris' trail is high school principal Rooney (Jeffrey Jones), determined to catch him in the act.

Running time: 1h 43m

Film rating: 12A

Where can I park?

Parking will be available at the car park off of Frogmore Street which is free after 6:30pm. It is a short walk to Nora Grace Hall from the car park.

What can I bring?

Please bring a torch, garden chair, blanket, warm clothing and your own food/drink. (Wine bottles are allowed but please bring paper cups). Seating is not provided outside so we suggest fold-up picnic chairs or garden blankets. If using chairs and arriving early, please sit at the back and sides first, especially if your chair is high backed.

What should I wear?

Even after the warmest day the temperature can drop significantly late in the evening so please dress appropriately and bring an extra layer or a blanket with you.

Can I bring my own food?

Yes, you are welcome to bring your own refreshment including your own alcohol. Wine bottles are fine but please refrain from bringing any other glass with you - use plastic cups to drink from as opposed to glass that can easily break. Please put your rubbish in the bins provided.

Will there be a bar?

There will be a bar offering bottles (only!) of wine, beer and prosecco.

Are toilets available?

The toilets in the hall will be open to use during the screening.

What happens if it rains?

In the event of rain or strong wind the screening will be inside with seating provided.

Can I bring my children?

You are welcome to bring your children if they are of an age whereby they can watch a film the whole way through. The film must also be of the correct certification (If it is a 12A, parents may bring a child but please note they contain scenes unsuitable for under 12's).

Can I bring my dog?

No, we are sorry but dogs are not allowed out of respect for other guests.

Finally if you wish to smoke, please do it beyond the space of the screening, again please think of others.

Have a great night.

Tring Cinema Terms & Conditions


• Tring Cinema is the operating name of seasonal movie screenings at the Nora Grace Hall organised by Tring Design and Tring Together.

• Its objective is to enrich cultural and family life in Tring as well as to revive the long history of cinemas in Tring.

Admission & during the movie

• Tring Cinema maintains the right to refuse ticket holders admission in reasonable circumstances including health and safety, licensing reasons or where a ticket is invalid.

• Parents should check each production prior to the purchase of any tickets. Age restrictions and recommendations for children may apply due to the nature and suitability of the film. Whilst age recommendations and restrictions may be placed on some productions, it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian in advance of purchase to make their own judgement as to the suitability of a production.

• We can guarantee that for all movies shown a copyright license has been obtained.

• The use of cameras, recording equipment and mobile phones is not permitted.

Food, drink and personal belongings.

• Alcohol will only be available on the event dates and only sold on the premises for guests 18+. We reserve the right to ask for a proof of age of anyone appearing to be 21 or younger.

• The consumption of alcohol purchased at Tring Cinema events and brought by the ticket holder is only allowed on the premises of the Nora Grace Hall.

• The ticket holder agrees to take full responsibility of the health, safety and security of the food, drink and items they bring to the screening.

• Tring Cinema is not liable for any loss, theft or damage of your personal belongings,other than that caused as a result of our negligence.

• You are required to clear away all your rubbish in the facilities provided.


• In the event of bad weather the movie screening will take place inside the premises of the Nora Grace Hall.

• No refunds will be given under any circumstances.

• Child tickets are valid for those under 12 years old. Adult tickets are required for those 12 years and over


Tring Cinema is organised by Lee from Tring Design and Steffi from Tring Together who met at one of Tring Together’s BusinessMart events and soon discovered their joint vision of bringing back a cinema to Tring.


Nora Grace Hall Nora Grace Hall, Faversham Close, HP23 5BA Tring

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