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Trashdollys | Movement Study Floor into Contact with Sam Amos & Lewis Wilkins

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Trashdollys | Movement Study Floor into Contact with Sam Amos & Lewis Wilkins

Von 40,00 GBP



26. März 2018, 11:00 Uhr - 29. März 2018, 17:00 Uhr


The week will serve as a sharing of the ongoing practices Sam and Lewis have been cultivating together. This will be offered and explored through the means of improvisation, movement skills, games, and set material from TrashDollys repertoire

5 Days Of Falling and Cape Alley.

We will work on movement efficiency and organisation of structure in order to find greater freedom of movement and increase dynamic potential when transitioning between the ground and standing. There will be a strong focus on strength and skill based inversion training; this will free up possibilities for more directional choices and complex patterns when moving away from a vertical axis. These will contribute to the development of proprioceptive skills and safe exits during the more advanced contact work.

The contact element will include tasks and scores that draw attention to listening through touch and explore weight exchange using traditional principles and techniques from contact improvisation and martial arts. This tuning in will enrich our physical communication, resulting in a clearer understanding of the intention, direction and energy of a partner.

On the final day we will gently shift the focus more towards the idea of performance and group composition, playing with longer improvisational scores to give space to more personal research and how we might guide, follow and influence one another.

TrashDollys, directed by Sam Amos, is a dance theatre company based in Bristol that has built an acclaimed portfolio of live performance and short film work over the last six years. The work reflects a progressive interdisciplinary approach to b-boying, circus and contemporary dance theatre.

Sam is a self trained dancer who has dedicated a life of practice to developing a deeply personal movement language that he continues to nurture and explore through TrashDollys.

Company dancer since 2015, Lewis Wilkins trained at London Contemporary Dance School and has danced for companies and choreographers including; Scottish Dance Theatre, Jean Abreu Dance, Tom Dale Company, National Theatre and James Wilton Dance.



TripYoga & TripDance TripYoga & TripDance, Acton Mews, Railway Arch 339, E8 4EA Haggerston


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