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Traders' Instagram Masterclass with Matt Inwood

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Traders' Instagram Masterclass with Matt Inwood

Von 80,00 GBP



22. Mai 2018, 09:30 Uhr - 13:30


We are delighted to be welcoming art director and designer Matt Inwood to Frome for a special edition of his Instagram masterclass, aimed at The Frome Independent's traders.

Matt’s half-day class is aimed primarily at food producers and street food traders, as well as designer-makers and vintage traders and shopkeepers. It’s also suitable for anyone interested to know more about phone photography and how to get the most from this social media platform.

This 4-hour workshop is for people both new to Instagram and for those who are interested in using it much more effectively, especially as a business tool to self-promote. There will be 2 main elements, to be followed by something to eat and drink.

1) A talk and presentation about phone photography and Instagram

* The power of Instagram and how to get the most from it
* Finding a style
* Suggestions for styling food for photography
* Taking good photographs with your phone
* Editing your images

2) A practical workshop to put the above ideas into practice.

*We’ll have a selection of ingredients and some of Matt’s favourite props with which to experiment and put some of the above ‘teachings’ into practice, to include styling, shooting, editing and publishing images.

*Matt will be available throughout lunch (served just after 1:30pm) to give individual feedbcak and offer tailored support and advice.

About Matt Inwood…

“I’m an art director and designer with a great passion for Instagram and phone photography. I’ve worked with some of the country’s best chefs, foodies and food photographers during my working life. I understand the power of Instagram as a marketing and communication tool, but I also love the way the app enhances how people think and create in the world of food. I’ve worked with many brands and individuals to create content exclusively for their Instagram accounts, and with nearly twenty years of working in cookbook publishing, I’ve been around the world of food and foodies for a long time.”

Check out Matt’s instagram profile and website for examples of his work.

Workshop details:

9.30am-1.30pm, on Tuesday 22nd May 2018

At The Black Swan Arts Centre, Frome.

Tea/coffee will be served at 11:30am and delicious lunch from the Black Swan Cafe team will be served at 1:30pm following the workshop.

Please arrive 10-15 minutes early to begin promptly at 9.30am.

Please ensure that you have a smart phone, which is fully charged and has the latest version of Instagram installed. Feel free to bring along chargers and battery packs.

Cost: £80 to include workshop, refreshments and lunch.



Black Swan Arts Black Swan Arts, 2 Bridge St, BA11 1BB Frome


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