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Thursday Night Gong Sound Bath (late session) @ The Greenhouse

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Thursday Night Gong Sound Bath (late session) @ The Greenhouse

De GBP 19,00



Mar 12 2020 20:30 - 21:30
Billetto Peace of Mind
Reserva con confianza: Billetto garantiza reembolsos por eventos cancelados, para tu tranquilidad. Lee más


A Sound Bath is a powerful sonic meditation that enables deep relaxation to bring about peace and wellbeing for improved health. The vibrations from the gong and other instruments assist the release of emotional and energetic blockages in the body and stimulate deep healing on a cellular level. The sounds activate the parasympathetic nervous system which is the bodies’ natural rest and restore response. The frequencies from the sounds slow the brainwaves, inducing a dreamlike state enabling us to take an inner journey where our sense of time dissipates and we are left to simply 'be' and vibrate with the gong. As with most forms of healing, we can sometimes experience an emotional release as the body surrenders and let’s go.
You will be bathed in therapeutic sounds from the Earth Gong, crystal singing bowls, harmonic chimes, lap harp and various percussive instruments.

UNFORTUNATELY ONCE THE DOORS ARE CLOSED I CANNOT LET YOU IN. (please do not ring the buzzer before 8.15pm, thank you : ))
To ensure your comfort please bring a blanket and pillow/cushion

Space limited to 15 people per session.

PLEASE READ Contraindications: Gong is not recommended for the following...
Women in the first trimester of pregnancy
Children under the age of thirteen. 
Those experiencing extreme mental health conditions.

The Space at Greenhouse

There is a 48hr cancellation policy on this event, no refunds will be issued after this time.

It is my intention to guide you through gong and sound as a tool for self healing and I encourage you to seek professional advice should any content unearth past traumas. With gratitude and respect.

Getting There:
Greenhouse is a 10 minute walk from Canonbury overground station, a 14 minute walk from Dalston Kingsland and a 3 minute walk from Newington Green which is served by numerous buses.


The Greenhouse The Greenhouse, The Greenhouse 49 Green Lanes, Mildmay Ward, N16 9BU London


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