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The Joy Of Chocolate: sweet & savoury

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The Joy Of Chocolate: sweet & savoury

Fra GBP 45,00



28 maj 2017 kl. 14:00 - 17:00


Channel your inner Willy Wonka and join me for a flavour-filled session of chocolate experimentation!

Chocolate is an amazing ingredient with hundreds of flavour compounds - even more than wine. This makes it the ideal food to taste with total focus so you can explore its many levels, including how to combine it with other ingredients.

The Joy Of Chocolate celebrates eating chocolate in a more connected and delicious way. We'll focus on the taste of different chocolates and experiment with some surprising, but tasty flavour combinations using beautiful Pump St bean-to-bar chocolate. Chocolate is extra delicious when you eat the really good stuff.

This is a workshop that blends fun and focus. As well as designing and creating chocolate treats, you'll learn how to taste chocolate properly (which involves more than just munching) and pay attention to different senses while doing it.

There will be chocolate mouthfuls to enjoy on the day, plus treats to take home.

Your feelgood flavour adventure includes:

- Guided chocolate tasting, with different percentages and different origins of dark chocolate

- Flavour combining with chocolate and a range of tasty ingredients (herbs, spices, nuts, dried fruits and more...)

- A few minutes of silent tasting to finish the class

On the chocolate menu in May is:

- Chocolate sea salt caramel sauce (dairy free): a delicious and decadent combination of sweet and salty using coconut milk and coconut sugar

- No Bake Chocolate Fruit & Nut Slice: play around with fun flavours to create a bespoke 'no bake' chocolate filled slice

- Cacao Nib Pesto: this intriguing pesto is a fantastic addition to any chocolate loving kitchen

Ingredients are organic and seasonal where possible. The chocolate used in the session is dairy free dark chocolate. Please let me know if you have any dietary requirements.

Meredith, founder of Food At Heart, runs events to help you explore eating in a more connected, mindful and a delicious way.

Class sizes are kept small, with a maximum of 8 people, so everyone has the chance to get involved.

Tickets are non-refundable but can be transferred to another person if you can't make it.



6-8 Bonhill Street, EC2A 4BX London


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