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Eventos Recomendados

The Dead Brothers - La Miseria Deluxe - Dj Ludec - Death Cabaret

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The Dead Brothers - La Miseria Deluxe - Dj Ludec - Death Cabaret

De GBP 7,00



Oct 29 2017 18:30 - Oct 30 2017 02:00


Ms Manray(Stranger Than Paradise) and Charlie Hangdog - ( Losers Lounge)

Team together to bring the band that inspired a nation!

Ten years later The Dead Brothers from Switzerland are back!

They've opened the lid off their creaky coffin bringing their haunting ghost stories in time for Halloween.

With seven records under their skeleton and a new one on the way - each album. takes you on a different road and drops you there leaving you to find your own way back home.

The world’s greatest death blues funeral trash orchestra.

When the fog lifts and the winds shift, things are rarely what they seem..

The Dead Brothers know a secret is far more seductive than the truth…and they never let the truth get in the way of a good yarn.

There were many dead brother during their 25 year reign-

We tribute them here -

Fred Schmutz, Jean-Philippe Geiser, Barbara Bagnoud, Olli Franz, Julien Israelian, Zoe Capon, Axel Jansen, Holger Steen, Resli Burri, Jean-Jacques Pedretti, Alain Porchet, Christoph Gantert, Pierre Omer, Delaney Davidson, Yves Massy, Marcel Salesse, Morback, Denis Schuler, Matthias Lincke, Alain Meyer, Christoph Marti

Albums can be purchased through Voodoo Rhythm records and on the night!

Plus special guests

La Miseria Deluxe

Will be setting the tone downstairs... misguided pirate tango with a crazed lunatic asylum seeker Donatella Bride (Anonima Nuvolari) crying into his accordion with tuba and violin to add to the tragedy - this is like the end of a Romany wedding where the bride passed out long ago and the musical tributes to the cobwebs continue.s

Stolen from the large antiseptic halls and returning to the contamination of the old taverns, where combine together laughter of despair and poetic deliriums with breath of alcohol, tobacco and sweat

With the decaying infant mortuary casting spells at your table.

Resident Dj - Charlie Hangdog

with Ms Manray and Dj Ludec

Sunday October 29th

The Lexington

730pm- 2am

96-98 Pentonville Road, London N1 9JB

Tickets £7 advance -£9 door


The Lexington, 96-98 Pentonville road , N1 9JB london


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