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The Dark Secrets of UX

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The Dark Secrets of UX

De Gratuito



Mar 25 2020 18:00 - 20:00


About this Event:

Hosted at Ravensbourne University in North Greenwich, Digital Influx presents an event on the most impactful subject on the Future of Design; ‘Dark UX’ – The Exploration of Digital Evolution.

Dark Patterns are deceptive UX/UI interactions, designed to mislead or manipulate users through their day-to-day lives. Essentially, it is any design elements that subtly pushes the user in a certain direction — a direction that they may not want to take. This could be adding unnecessary extras to their shopping basket, unknowingly subscribing to a newsletter or handing over personal data.

Following feedback from our previous events, Dark UX is one of the most anticipated and debatable subjects within the digital world of 2020. Our speakers for the day will talk about the affects of Dark UX and how introducing UX as a subject into the education system can positively affect the growth of the digital economy.

This talk aims to generate awareness of the negative impacts and unethical use of digital services/ products and how we can aid a future generation to lead systematic change globally.


Four key speakers who are industry leaders within UX and DesignAll speaker to be confirmed (the suspense is incredible 😊)


  • 6.00pm – 6.15pm: Key Speaker 1
  • 6.15pm – 6.40pm: Key Speaker 2
  • 6.40pm – 7pm: Key Speaker 3
  • 7pm - 7.20pm: Key Speaker 4
  • 7.20pm – 7.40pm: Key Speaker 5
  • 7.40pm – 8pm: Q&A Panel

Digital Influx:

Digital Influx is a leading international consultancy that aims to bridge the gap between education, technology and employment. Established in 2018 we have rapidly earned an enviable international reputation for our professionalism and high-quality service delivery

Our teams cover services across five cities globally, these include; London, New York, Los Angeles, Amsterdam and Sao Paulo. We work in synergy with you and our clients to ensure that you can receive an exceptional level of customer service.

Ravensbourne University:

Ravensbourne University London is a digital media and design university, with vocational courses in fashion, television and broadcasting, interactive product design, architecture and environment design, graphic design, animation, moving image, music production for media and sound design.


Digital Influx is a leading international consultancy that aims to bridge the gap between education, technology and employment. Established in 2018 we have rapidly earned an enviable international reputation for our professionalism and high-quality service delivery

Our teams cover services across five cities globally, these include; London, New York, Los Angeles, Amsterdam and Sao Paulo. We work in synergy with you and our clients to ensure that you can receive an exceptional level of customer service.


Ravensbourne University London Ravensbourne University London, 6 Penrose Way, SE10 0EW London


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