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The Cavalry Behind You

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The Cavalry Behind You

De GBP 12,00



Jun 07 2017 20:00 - 22:30
Billetto Peace of Mind
Reserva con confianza: Billetto garantiza reembolsos por eventos cancelados, para tu tranquilidad. Lee más


The objector enjoys the peace he won’t buy, whilst the birdwatcher collects eggs on the Western Front. The Francophile sends his wife to the blitz, and she makes the shells for the guns. The letter-writer was left no forward address, and the end of the world takes her husband. Face down in the snow with a bullet-holed back, the family man watches his life spread out before him, and his so-called friends disappear.

In the final months of the First World War, as the gears of the Great War machine grind inexorably to a
halt; as the snow settles on the bodies in the ice and the skeletons in the footlocker, six threads entwine, and bring six young souls into the fold, and into each other’s lives.

A blistering new Great War drama from the writer of The Wives of Others.


The OSO is a theatre with a cafe and bar, located in the heart of Barnes. We host high quality theatre, music, comedy, and art and have a range of art classes during the day.


OSO Arts Centre, 49 Station Road, Barnes, SW130LF London


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