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The Art of Flower Photography with Celia Henderson LRPS See the scene, take the photo and make the art.2. The Tulip

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The Art of Flower Photography with Celia Henderson LRPS See the scene, take the photo and make the art.2. The Tulip

Ab 8,00 GBP



07. Mai 2024, 18:30 Uhr - 09. Mai 2024, 20:00 Uhr
Billetto Peace of Mind
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This new series of workshops, part of the Seed to Bloom programme will select a seasonal flower each month

See-Take-Make with Celia Henderson


Date and Time: Two Sessions:

May  7 & 9  6:30 to 8.00 pm

 We’ll start at the end of the process by visualising the finished masterpiece, consider your intended output (print medium, digital). That directs us to the take stage, what equipment, lens, camera settings, backgrounds, compositions, lighting, do we need. And before you even click the shutter button, reflect on the features and magic that can be applied from the post processing software.

Whether you are seeking to create a sharp botanical study, a still life, a competition entry or a dreamy watercolour painting, let me guide you through the “See-Take-Make” workflow. With each workshop putting seasonal flowers in the limelight, we will put our vision plan to the test and consider how to best capture the shot(s) and which tools will be required to complete the post processing workflow, so you are fully prepared and motivated to capture the tulips of spring, the sweet peas of summer, the glorious dahlias and rudbeckia of autumn and the resilient snowdrops in winter. More detail below.

Booking a place

Digital Imaging Member - £8 for 2 sessions

RPS Member - £12 for 2 sessions

General admission - £15 for 2 sessions

If you are not already a Digital Imaging member it might be advantageous to join as a Digital Only member and benefit from reduced ticket prices.

Digital Imaging Home Page | Digital Imaging Workshops | Join Digital Imaging (£14pa) | Join Digital Imaging Online (£7 pa)

The Workshops

What will we cover:

  • What do you see
  • Location, planning and outcomes
  • What’s our approach
  • What equipment, camera, lenses, accessories
  • By how much (if at all) can we control the lighting
  • Camera settings to achieve your visualisation
  • A lot of post processing skills – to enhance the capture and complete the vision

Each workshop will incorporate one or more approach and discuss the suggested equipment (including a pair of scissors and a dental mirror), how to manage the light, backgrounds, composition and which post processing tools give the ultimate results

Covering a whole variety of approaches – just look at the list …  this links to the list
Pick a flower a month and test your vision, photographic skills and creativity.


Your personal data (name, email address and telephone number) that you supply when booking the online event will be passed to the Digital Imaging Group organiser in order to enable them to:

1. Contact you in advance of the event to remind you or notify you of joining instructions (or changes thereto) etc.

2. Contact you at short notice before or during an event in case of any emergency or last-minute changes

3. Contact you at the end of the event for your feedback

By booking this event you are deemed to consent to this transfer of your data.

The event may be recorded and published. By joining the event you are deemed to consent to our making a recording of the event available online afterwards.

Cancellation Policy

It is inevitable, that occasionally an event will be postponed or cancelled for this or another reason beyond the RPS’s control. If an event is postponed we will transfer your booking to the rearranged event, with the option of a refund if the rescheduled date is not suitable for you. Occasionally an event may also be cancelled owing to a lack of bookings.

If an event is cancelled we will give you as much notice as we are able and any payment by you to the RPS in respect of the event is offered as a full refund. In the case of events cancelled because of a lack of interest, we will aim to give you as much notice as possible.


RPS Digital Imaging Group facilitate Online Workshops, on Processing in Photoshop, Lightroom. the Nik Suite, Topaz and Affinity. As well as encouraging the use of software in creative ways to create artistic photographic images.


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