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Tashi Llunpo Monks with Blackmoon1348 + Noize Choir

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Tashi Llunpo Monks with Blackmoon1348 + Noize Choir

Von 9,00 GBP



17. September 2017, 19:00 Uhr - 22:00


BlackMoon1348 in collaboration with the Tibetan Tashi Lhunpo Monks create a huge cinematic spectacle, combining the spiritual insight of Tibetan chants and mantras, the sound of the dungchen (Tibetan Longhorn) gyaling (Tibetan Oboe) and percussive ritual instruments with BlackMoon1348's sub-harmonic drone and throat singing.

Experience an insight to Tibet and its ancient sacred traditions- a journey to the spiritual Himalaya through mantra, meditative chants, and traditional Tibetan instrumentation.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime collaboration, and celebration of cultural diversity.



Noize Choir

The Noize Choir is a performance ensemble that was formed in 2011 by Newcastle based artists Lindsay Duncanson and Marek Gabrysch. It involves a loose collective of noise enthusiasts with a common desire to use the human voice free of the traditional restraints of typical choral settings, language or musical notation. Their work is based on a shared fascination with science, culture and landscape. They indulge in phenomenological explorations of museum collections, or imaginings of our geological past. Replicating and experimenting with the sound of machines or the natural world, Noize Choir continually find ways to push and pull the idea of what a choir can be. Noize Choir have composed and performed in French churches and on Austrian radio, at the Baltic Centre for contemporary arts, The Literary and Philosophical Society of Newcastle Upon Tyne, and the Grade II listed Preston Bus station.

At Cobalt they will peform an improvised gong and voice set.



Ticket price includes a small bowl of Tibetan food (recipes tbc), donations to Tashi Lhunpo Monastry and Noize Choir.


Cobalt Studios Ltd nurtures , facilitates and showcases culture and communities by developing space to host artists and audiences.


Cobalt Studios, 10 Boyd St, NE2 1AP Newcastle upon Tyne


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