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St Nicolas Year 1 Continous Provision

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St Nicolas Year 1 Continous Provision

Von 50,00 GBP



28. Januar 2020, 09:30 Uhr - 11:30


There is a lot of talk at the moment about play-based learning and continuous provision in Key Stage 1. It can all seem like a nice idea that is too difficult to actually put into practice, but it’s not! It really can be the best thing you can do for your children. Since I began this journey, I have had the most fulfilling and exciting time of my career transforming my teaching and seeing the response of the children. I have seen the positive effects it has had on the children’s learning, attitudes and behaviour, I hear from parents how much their children love school and I have the end of year data to prove that it produces great results! On top of that, just feels right. If you want to learn more, come and see how it works in practice and ask as many questions as you like! Also available is a resource pack that I’ve put together to support you in taking the practice into your own classroom and a recipe book ready for your class to use independently. I look forward to meeting you.

Please note that unfortunately we have very limited parking on site.  Please can we ask that you car-share whenever possible or park off-site in a public car park.

If you have any questions, please contact the school office on info@st-nicolas.surrey.sch.uk or visit our school website at https://www.st-nicolas-guildford.com/



St Nicolas CE(A) Infant School St Nicolas CE(A) Infant School, Portsmouth Road, GU2 4YD Guildford


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