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Spring into SME Growth Business Breakfast

Evento annullato

Spring into SME Growth Business Breakfast

Da Gratis



RE: Internships and Coronavirus/COVID-19: An important update for employers.

In light of the current situation and in order to safeguard all parties, the decision has been made to temporarily postpone the business Breakfast planned for the 31st March 2020.

The Careers Network would still welcome the opportunity to contact those employers who have booked onto the session via email in the first instance with some information on the scheme in order that if you are interested we can still conduct online matching and interviewing. However at this testing time we may not find a match immediately and ask for your patience and understanding. Please find further information on the scheme here Lboro Talent Match

Thank you for your understanding and look forward to speaking to your shortly.


Loughborough University has a long history of helping the local business community to prosper. We can connect you to high calibre students and graduates and expertise to help you achieve your ambitions.

Talent Match is a new initiative to help bring fresh ideas and extra resource when you need it most. As well as carefully matching your needs to the most qualified candidates, we will support you throughout the internship. The service is free of charge. All you pay for is the salary of the intern. What’s more, if you are a private sector organisation with a workforce of less than 250, you will receive £1,260 – that’s 50% funding for 8 weeks.

Whether you have a project in mind, or need extra help during a peak time, we’re here to help. At this informal breakfast meeting you will find out more about Talent Match and hear from local businesses who have already benefitted from Loughborough University interns. It’s also a great opportunity to meet the team who can help you with recruitment as well as collaborations with University experts, and possible funding opportunities.

We hope that you will be able to join us. Sophie Kanabar will be happy to answer your queries on or 01509 222099.

Luogo dell'evento

ATIC ATIC, Loughborough University's Advanced Technology Innovation Centre , LE11 3TU Loughborough


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