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Speed Dating in the City for ages 30-45

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Speed Dating in the City for ages 30-45

De GBP 20.00



Oct 17 2020 19:30 - 22:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Reserve com confiança: a Billetto assegura o reembolso de eventos cancelados, garantindo a sua tranquilidade. Saber mais


Our brand new venue the Pitcher & Piano is the place to be for Saturday night Speed Dating action!

At this event you can expect to meet around 20-25 people in 4-5 minute dates with an interval half way through for refreshments.

Speed Dating kicks off at 8pm prompt and any guests arriving late may not be able to take part so please ensure you arrive 15-30 minutes before the scheduled start time to allow for registration.

When all the guests have arrived the host will explain how the evening will unfold and you will be provided with a scorecard, name badge and pen. When the event begins women will be seated and men will rotate between tables every 4 minutes. At the end of each date guests mark on their scorecard whether they would like to see that person again.

There will be a 15 minute break half way through to allow for refreshments.

The event will finish around 9:30pm but guests are welcome to stay and mingle if they wish.

Before you leave the host will collect all the scorecards in and collate the matches on our website and the following day you will receive an e-mail with the results.

Please be aware that speed dating places are limited and the majority of our events do sell out, so please book early to avoid disappointment.

If you have any queries about this event please contact us at or call our telephone bookings hotline on 0845 862 1448 (9am 5pm).


DateinaDash are the market leaders for Speed Dating events & Singles Parties in London. Established in 2011 and with over 70,000 customers we now host more than 30 events a month somewhere across the capital. 

Speed Dating is a fun way to meet lots of singles in a short space of time and in a safe and friendly environment. Each date lasts around 4 minutes which is enough time to know whether you would like to see that person again. 

We also offer a wide range of events including quiz nights, massive singles parties, pub crawls & more. Our events are open to all ages from 18 to 65. We strive to always ensure a 50/50 split with equal numbers of men and women.

After the event ends guests login to our website and can contact anyone they have matched with via our secure messaging platform. 

If you're planning to come alone don't worry because most people do! But fear not, our friendly host will be on hand to welcome you and ensure you have a fantastic time.

So, if you're tired of online dating and would like to meet people face to face then check out our upcoming events and hopefully we'll see you at one of our fun singles nights soon. It's fun, fast & flirty! 


Pitcher & Piano Cornhill Pitcher & Piano Cornhill, 28-31 Cornhill, EC3V 3ND London


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  • Desejo a cancelar o meu bilhete e receber um reembolso. O que devo fazer?

    A aprovação de reembolsos fica inteiramente a critério do organizador do evento, e você deve entrar em contacto com o organizador do evento para discutir que opções estão disponíveis para si. Para entrar em contacto com o organizador do evento, basta responder ao seu email de confirmação do pedido ou usar o formulário "Contactar organizador" no perfil do organizador. Para mais ajuda sobre este tópico, leia aqui.

  • Já me inscrevi na lista de espera, o que acontece agora?

    Se forem disponibilizados mais bilhetes, será notificado (por email) entre outros que se juntaram à lista. A compra é por ordem de chegada. Para mais informações, leia aqui.

  • Onde encontro um link para um evento online?

    Consulte a página de confirmação do pedido ou o email de confirmação do pedido. Normalmente, o organizador do evento fornece os detalhes no email de confirmação do pedido ou pode enviar um email de acompanhamento com um link para o evento online. Também pode ler a descrição do evento na Billetto, onde um organizador do evento deve descrever como participar no evento online. Para mais informações sobre este tópico, leia aqui.

  • O que é a proteção contra reembolso e por que eu precisaria dela?

    A Proteção de Reembolso oferece-lhe a garantia de, se circunstâncias imprevistas e inevitáveis interferirem na sua capacidade de participar de um evento, poder solicitar um reembolso. Para mais informações sobre este tópico, leia aqui.

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