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SoundsCreative Ensemble - Half term creative band project

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SoundsCreative Ensemble - Half term creative band project

Von 80,00 GBP



23. Oktober 2017, 10:00 Uhr - 24. Oktober 2017, 16:00 Uhr


SoundsCreative Ensemble

Don’t just play, create!

Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th October 10am - 4pm

SoundsCreative Ensemble is a half-term music project for young musicians (age 8 -14) who play a musical instrument and want to be in a band, get creative and compose some new music as a group.

This two-day workshop is creative and social, mixing band and classical instruments into one exciting musical pot with an informal end of project performance.

More about the creative process:

A team of the SoundsCreative connected artists support the children in developing new skills in improvising, creating, and composing music as a band. The participants not only use their own instruments throughout the workshop but also take part in a variety of vocal and percussion activities to help create ideas for their new composition. (Notation reading not required, just bring your ideas, enthusiasm and your instrument!).

Leaders this project:

Virtuoso Violinist and composer Preetha Narayanan and her band mates from the SongLines music award winning band - FLUX - Shammi Pithia - Bansuri and percussion and Michael Goodey - Piano and Guitar.


What have players said about the project?...

“A really good 2 day band experience ***** A holiday must do” (Sam -Drummer)

“I loved all of it and I will come next time” (Basilio - Viola player)

“My favourite thing was that we all played together, also that I met new people.” (Molly - Violin player)

Who can join the band?

Partcipants need to be:

  • between 8 - 14yrs old,
  • able to play any musical instrument to a standard of grade 1/equivalent or above.
  • have their own musical instrument to bring along to the projects (apart from pianists!)

There is no need to be able to read music and the great thing is, every project the band is slightly different depending on who has signed up.

Where and when?

Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th October 10am - 4pm at Vortex Jazz Club N16 8AZ

(2 mins from Dalston Kingsland overland, 236 bus route, a short walk from Newington Green)

Booking process

1. Download the booking form , fill in and email to pree.naraya@gmail.com and soundscreativeprojects@gmail.com (To confirm your place the booking form must be received - email if you have trouble downloading it)

2. Process payment (see discount options including limited early bird tickets and sign up as a pair for a discount price)

More info: soundscreativeprojects.co.uk/soundscreative-ensemble/

Watch: Video about the SC Ensemble

Contact: soundscreativeprojects@gmail.com

This project is supported by Vortex Foundation 'In the Changes' project (Thanks to Paul Hamlyn Foundation)


SoundsCreative Projects is a social enterprise that gathers people of all ages together through playful, quality, energetic musical experiences. Find out more at www.soundscreativeprojects.co.uk


Vortex Jazz Club, Gillett Square, N16 8AZ London


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