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SLAM Fridays Art Tour - Peckham

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SLAM Fridays Art Tour - Peckham

De GBP 10,00



Abr 24 2015 18:30 - 20:30


24.04.15 : 18.30 – 20.30

April SLAM Fridays Spotlight : Peckham

Tour Meeting Point : South London Gallery

On the 24th of the month get ready to walk around and get involved with the array of private views happening for SLAM Last fridays by your very own tour guide. If our last SLAM friday in Peckham was anything to go by then this is not one to miss! Expect some visual delights from the likes of Peckham Platform, SLG, Flat Time House, Bosse and Baum and we might even nip into the Arches Studios and see what they’re up to at the moment. Not only will you be seeing the most exciting and newest work coming out of South London by being on the the tour you’ll receive exclusive introductions from curators and artists. Sounds great doesn't it? We’re not finished..How about finishing off at Peckham Springs for some art then a drinks or two. Be sure to keep an eye out on our Facebook page for our route for the night! Remember to pre-book your tickets and we’ll see you south!

Keep at eye out on for events taking place that evening and more info on our tour!

The South London Art Map host late night opening on the last Friday of every month, each month focusing on one of our hubs either Peckham, Bankside, Bermondsey, Deptford or our newest hub Greenwich. Aswell as this we’ve recently produced our 5th edition of a physical map, this is widely distributed across the South East of London and The South East Coast. We have also launched the South East Coast Map which is giving some well deserved attention to everything going on in our 4 hubs, Brighton, Margate, Folkestone and Hastings. We also hold ‘Art Weekenders’ which include a B&B stay with exclusive Talks with curators and artists alongside some great food! Keep an eye out on our website and twitter for more information.

Like to know more or get involved with SLAM?

Or e-mail with ‘Peckham Tour’ in subject header.

See you South!


South London Gallery, 65-67 Peckham Road, SE5 8UH London


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