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Singapore Music Night

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Singapore Music Night

Von 5,00 GBP



25. Juni 2015, 20:00 Uhr - 23:00


Singapore Music Export presents

Singapore Music Night


Charlie Lim

Stretched far between acoustic melancholia, post-rock, indie-R&B, and electronic-pop – the extremities that mark Charlie Lim’s music, is a certain sense of cinematic gravitas that takes you on a sonic journey set against the rich narratives of life’s tales.

Charlie’s latest release, TIME/SPACE, a Double EP containing two collections of songs – with TIME reflecting his folk-rock songwriting sensibilities and SPACE a manifestation of his DIY approach to experimental pop production. Never one to rest on being formulaic, the new record is a meticulous representation of Charlie’s inimitable artistic brooding and insatiable demand to push the boundaries of pop music today.



Pleasantry was formed in late 2010, from members that have been active in the Singapore indie music scene under post rock, indie pop and experimental projects. The quintet crafts songs out of each member’s wide and diverse listening backgrounds, to seek and attempt to achieve balance between the interplay of simple structures and intricate, complex instrumentation. The band finds beauty in the everyday and falls into creative inspiration present in personal experiences and interactions with their surrounding social, emotional and physical environments.



Pronounced dot jif [.gif] is an indie electronic duo comprising weish (vocals, synths) and din (synths, beats, production). The band formed in 2012 and since the debut of their EP saudade in 2013, has gone on to perform at multiple major festivals such as Baybeats 2014, Java Soundsfair 2014, and most recently St. Jerome's Laneway Festival 2015.

[.gif] strives to capture the embarrassing bathos of the modern condition, with a combination of lush soundscapes and lyrics that are intensely personal and hopefully, meaningful to more people than themselves.




The Lexington, 96-98 Pentonville Road, N1 9JB London


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