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Sing with Ben & Dom in Norwich | workshop + concert

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Sing with Ben & Dom in Norwich | workshop + concert

Alkaen GBP 8.00



02 Loka 2022 14:00 - 18:00


Join singers & choir leaders Ben & Dom for an afternoon of fun & uplifting harmony singing followed by a short informal performance from the duo.

Ben & Dom (Ben See & Dom Stichbury) have been singing, teaching & writing songs together since 2019. They bring a wealth of experience as community singing leaders, arrangers & performers. The duo have just released their debut EP 'Shoulder', which Tom Robinson (BBC 6MUSIC) described as 'Just amazing'. 

Ben & Dom will teach a selection of easy-to-pickup songs in a fun and inclusive way. No previous singing experience is required. Following the workshop they'll perform a short set of songs, including original material and arrangements of their favourite classics. Their lyrics touch on friendship, nature and what it means for two men to sing together in this modern day. 

‘magical’ - Sally (Shrewsbury)
‘lush songs & arrangements’ - Roxanne Smith

2-5pm workshop
5-6pm performance


Ben & Dom are a singing duo from South London. Ben takes the high notes and Dom takes the low notes (most of the time). The intricate blend of their harmonies comes from a close friendship and shared love of singing together. Ben & Dom weave their voices around songs old and new, performing original material alongside new interpretations of folk songs. Their lyrics touch on friendship, nature and what it means for two men to sing together in this modern day. 

Ben See: Ben is a singer, composer and choir leader from London. He specialises in new vocal music and community singing. His music has been played on BBC6Music, BBC Radio3, BBC London & Resonance FM. He also leads 3 community choirs, including Fire Choir with the Nest Collective.

Dominic Stichbury: Dom is a singer, songwriter & choir leader based in London. He is the founder & director of Chaps Choir & Bellow Fellows, projects that encourages male expression through singing. His choirs have been featured on national TV & radio, promoting group singing as a positive space for men to find community. He performs with The Spooky Men’s Chorale & The London Vocal Project.


Ben & Dom are a singing duo who weave their voices around songs old and new.


The Octagon Chapel The Octagon Chapel, Colegate, NR3 1BN Norwich

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