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Sacred Cacao Sound Ceremony ~ A Rainforest Heart Song

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Sacred Cacao Sound Ceremony ~ A Rainforest Heart Song

De GBP 35,00



Dic 01 2019 14:00 - 17:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Reserva con confianza: Billetto garantiza reembolsos por eventos cancelados, para tu tranquilidad. Lee más


"On the whole I feel positive and calmer and more able to connect with my heart centre (which was my intention) and I have a positive proactive energy in me. I feel less worried and stressed about day to day life..."
Sash Frase, Cacao Sound Ceremony attendee 22/09/2019
Sacred Cacao Sound Ceremony 22/09/2019 @ Yogis' Well-Being Centre

Surrender to Love

C~onnect with plant wisdom

A~lign mind-body-soul

C~larify the mind

A~llow and receive divine guidance

O~pen the heart

Cacao is THE love medicine! 

It is International Cacao Day and I can think of no better way to honour this medicine! 

Packed full of neurotransmitters that evoke love, clarity, creativity and bliss, Cacao was known as 'Food of the Gods' by the Mesoamericans who valued it as a divine conduit through which they could speak with the Gods.

(See 'Cacao Contains' below). 

    You MUST READ the 'contra-indications' below before booking. 

    What to Expect

    I work with trust in Sacred Cacao listening and following her lead. Essentially, I help to hold a space for her to do her work. Thus the ceremony flows according to what is needed.

    The below is based on previous ceremonies but subject to change due to the above.

    You will:

    Sit and share in ceremonial circle

    Drink ceremonial grade Cacao tea 

    Be guided on a spirit medicine journey 

    Be held in a vibrational bath of soft instrumental sounds; for example, shamanic reiki drum, singing bowls and voice. Also a light 24" Venus planetary gong bath. Venus governs the feminine principle that brings love, romance and creativity; a perfect complement to Cacao.

    1:1 healing may be included

    Rosemarinus Offcinalis (Rosemary) may also appear to cleanse, clean and protect your energy

      Contact me to reserve a bag of ceremonial grade Cacao, sourced from the Andean rainforest by Cacao Love.

      Use ceremonially, in baking, added to smoothies or grated over morning cereals.

      Getting There

      Ealing Broadway Station is a 4 minutes walk to/from the venue: Central, District, TFL and National Rail lines. 

      Plenty of buses within short walking distance: Information

      Where budget and administration allows, concessions are considered upon request; for example, for multiple bookings  (including New Moon Yoga & Gong Baths): Contact Me

      MUST READ!!!


      Please contact me if you have a severe mental illness, a 'sound sensitive’ condition, any condition that could be triggered by sound and/or if you have a heart condition or pacemaker. Also if you need to avoid chocolate due to a medical condition; e.g.:  you’re taking MAOI based anti-depressants, have a serious heart condition or are pregnant or breastfeeding. 

      You may not need to avoid the ceremony; a lower dose may be appropriate.


      Activities focused on well-being and healing can dislodge physical, mental, emotional and spiritual blocks. It is your responsibility to inform us of any conditions or issues and have relevant support systems in place. If you do not inform us of your condition we do not accept liability for any ongoing ill effects. If, due to a condition, you are unsure whether our service is appropriate, we advise you to seek medical consultation. We aim to provide a safe and well-held space and after-care support is available where requested. You are welcome to seek our advice. 

      Cacao Contains:

      Sacred Cacao ~ Amazon Rainforest

      Essential minerals: magnesium, calcium, sulphur, zinc, iron, copper, potassium, and manganese

      Polyphenols called flavonoids, with antioxidant properties 

      Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B9 and E. 

      Neurotransmitters: Dopamine, the 'feel good hormone' / Anandamide, 'the bliss molecule' / Histamine Arginine, which improves circulation, is a natural Viagra and great for the heart / Phenylethylamine, the 'love chemical' / Theobramine, a more gentle bitter tasting caffeine-like stimulant that uplifts mood; also an excellent medicine for the heart as it is a natural vasodilator and myocardial stimulant / Endocannaboid, the body's own version of cannabis. 

      Cacao is also good for: 

      Menstrual and menopausal issues / Energy / General pain-relief (excellent for period pains) / Memory / Circulation / Blood Pressure / Inflammation


        Contact Me for SoundSeva digital gift vouchers (examples below) that can be used against any SoundSeva event until 31/03/2020 (except Clapton Yoga & Gong Bath).

        About Me

        A ceremony facilitator with a background in mental health care and Social Work, I teach, heal, facilitate, share and learn. My path is ever evolving and I feel in a position to shine a light for you as others have done for me. 

        I am experienced, insured and fully qualified.

        More info: Website / Facebook / Instagram

        Any SoundSeva profits are recycled into SoundSeva services, including training, equipment and my healing to ensure that I am clear to hold your space.

        I look forward to seeing you at this nurturing event - the last one was super special!

        Love and warm wishes, 


        Event page photo by: Photo by Pablo Merchán Montes on Unsplash

        All other photos taken by me at SoundSeva events and travels. 


        Individual Treatments. Group Events. Collaborations. Ceremonial Circles with Gentle Plant Medicine, such as Cacao and Mugwort and Sound, including gongs.

        25+ Years experience in meditation, social care and self-development. Munay Ki Keeper with teachings received from many disciplines, including shamanic, meditation and spiritual. I am not a shamanic practitioner, but I walk the Shamanic Path in that I honour our connection with Mother Earth and the elements and endeavour to walk with the Divine in all ways. Not all of my events are on this site. Please see my website for more information. 


        Yogis' Well-Being Centre Yogis' Well-Being Centre, 1 Springbridge Mews, W5 2AB London


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