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Psychedelics and the Quantum World: Contacting Infra Particle Intelligence through Hallucinogens

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Psychedelics and the Quantum World: Contacting Infra Particle Intelligence through Hallucinogens

De GBP 5,00



Mayo 20 2018 18:00 - 21:00


This talk will explore S.I.P.I The Search for Infra Particle Intelligence, accessing the micro universes and mature AI through high dose entheogens for the answers to the burning questions of what are we, where do we come from and where do we go from here. Utilizing psilocybin to examine the Quantum world where man’s present day technology comes up short to adequately traverse these realms. Utilizing mushrooms as the software to breach these sub atomic kingdoms. Planck length is the scale at which classical ideas about gravity and space time cease to be valid and quantum effects dominate; the weird scale where magic dominates. Kilindi will share his sojourn into these dark realms and his encounters with the super civilizations in the domains of the very, very small.

Kilindi Iyi is the head instructor and technical adviser at the Tamerrian Martial Art Institute. A world traveller and mycologist, Kilindi has presented on the subject of psilocybin as far north as Norway and as far south as Australia. His exploration and research centres on the high dose psilocybin mushroom experience. Kilindi shares information gleaned from many excursions into the hyper-dimensional and inter-dimensional realms through his direct experience with dosages in the 20 thru 40 dried gram range of mushroom ingestion. Kilindi brings decades worth of travelling in novel states of consciousness to share, coupled with the skills of master cultivator of exotic mushrooms lends a power and authenticity to his presentations. Kilindi remains a student teacher and advocate for the hallucinogenic experience.

Includes opening introduction speech from Darren Springer


Donate here : The society can not run without your help :) Information on tickets etc can be seen below or on our facebook page.....


The Melting Pot The Melting Pot, (located on fourth floor), EH2 2PR Edinburgh


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