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P/O/P/A/G/A/N/D/A | Who do you think you are? Selfie Culture and the Future of Personal Identity

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P/O/P/A/G/A/N/D/A | Who do you think you are? Selfie Culture and the Future of Personal Identity

Von 5,00 GBP



15. November 2015, 14:00 Uhr - 16:00


Every 2 months, P/O/P/A/G/A/N/D/A controversially takes one issue that is floating through popular culture, people’s minds and current conversations without perhaps being fully considered, examined, punctured, ‘popped’.

With the success of September's P/O/P/A/G/A/N/D/A where we 'popped' and dived into the hype, rhetoric and buzz around Choice - listen to the Popcast here - November's P/O/P/A/G/A/N/D/A, again at The Book Club in Shoreditch, pops current notions around self and identity.

The 20th Century gave rise to a dominant narrative of the individual, undermining social cohesion and collective identity. As ties of place, religion and culture were re-imagined, re-purposed and loosened, it was individualism that became the focal point for our notions of self identity. With digital Selfie Culture all pervasive, that individual narrative seems alive and well, but our social identities and need for connection, still form a vital part of who we are. As people wrestle to integrate their digital and real world experiences and personas, in search of more coherent selves, are we at an inflection point, heading towards a new paradigm for personal identity?

With Advocates Yashka Moore from Amagine and Anastasia Niedinger from Gender In Utero and hosted by Rhett Griffiths, Happiness Designer at Pep Coaching this P/O/P/A/G/A/N/D/A is set to be intimate, passionate and as controversial and stimulating as ever. It’s a chance to participate, get your voice heard, mingle and meet like and opposite minded people and hopefully leave the room slightly altered in your assumptions from the way you entered it.

P/O/P/A/G/A/N/D/A | Enter with assumptions <> Exit with popped notions <> Sacred Cows Beware.



The Book Club, 100-106 Leonard St, EC2A 4RH London


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