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Nursing Experts Meet

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Nursing Experts Meet

Von 380,00 GBP



07. Oktober 2019, 09:00 Uhr - 09. Oktober 2019, 16:30 Uhr
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Euro Nursing 2019 is based on the theme “Reaching New Heights: Inspiration, Motivation, and Collaboration in Nursing & Healthcare”. Euro Nursing 2019 intends to squeeze out unique prospects and avenues of this domain which can be outspread to all the SPEAKERS and DELEGATES, hence uplifting the profile with all sorts of demanding credibility. In addition, Euro Nursing 2019 seeks the involvement of all the academicians and professionals to attract the attention of all the global communities towards this area to ensure a quality and better healthcare servings which is inevitable for human existence. Assimilating the combined efforts of speakers, delegates, peer reviewers and our Organizing Committee Members, Euro Nursing 2019 looks ahead to ornate the contributions of its attendees by enriching their research profile with accountable CME / CNE credits and enabling global visibility to their research works. 

We believe that our conferences give more than not simply facts and figures. In addition to gaining insight into emerging growth organization/association across a range of sectors, participants will also have plenty of time to mingle and enjoy themselves in a beautiful setting with worldwide SPEAKERS and DELEGATES. A hallmark of the meeting was the active participation by the attendees. Each session was packed and hands went up quickly toward the end of the session when it was the perfect chance for Q&A. The innovation demos and business booths additionally received a major variety of visitors.

Why to Join???

Euro Nursing 2019 is organizing an outstanding scientific event and expecting the world's leading specialists associated with Nursing and Healthcare. Your association/organization will profit with an awesome introduction to the pioneers in Nursing, Medicare, and Healthcare. You can update your insight about the current condition in the field and get name acknowledgment at this 3-day meeting. Nursing Events is an energizing opportunity to highlight new innovation. We attempt to bring individuals from numerous fields and to impact a setting during which they'll cooperate synergistically, and ideally make new scientific results.

Who can Join?

Euro Nursing 2019 Conference welcomes Nurses, Doctors, Physicians, Clinicians, Nurse Care practitioners, Health Care Professionals, Clinical Nurse Specialists, Nurse Managers/Supervisors, Professors, Research fellows, Directors, Deans, Post-graduates in Nursing Practices, Clinical Study Observers, Midwives, Nurse Leaders, Nurse Entrepreneurs, Nursing Faculty, Nursing Academicians, Students has become a must-attend event for anybody working in the field of research especially in Nursing, Medicare and Healthcare. It is a gathering to explore problems with common concern and additionally exchange knowledge, share evidence, thoughts, and build solutions.

General Enquiry:

Lara Mathew | Program Manager


+44 2034554929



Hotel Crowne Plaza Madrid Airport Hotel Crowne Plaza Madrid Airport, Calle de Lola Flores, 28022 Madrid


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