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Nordic Myths, conversations

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Nordic Myths, conversations

De GBP 12,00



Ene 14 2020 17:00 - Feb 14 2020 19:00


  • Four after work sessions with myth and conversations
  • Explore what these myths can bring into your daily life in 2020
  • Be inspired by the stories of Odin, Thor, Freja, Balder, Frigg, Sif, Tyr, Loke, the giants called jætter, Fenris wolf, Midgårdsormen etc.
  • Part of the stories in Danish
  • Tuesdays (Tyr´s day) 14th, 21th, 28th January 2020 and 4th February from 5.00 to 7.00pm.

Explore some of the big defining tales from Norse Mythology, and their influence on poetry, song, and story. What do these myths mean for us in the present and future?

The myths app. 30 min. long will be told and the listeners will have a great opportunity while the story are told to find an afterwork meditation. Refreshed by the shower of the story the participants is then led into a conversation with the rest of the group.
There will be rich opportunity for every voice to be heard and we will explore one new myth each time we meet.
One evening = one myth.

Svend-Erik Engh led some conversations at The Storytelling Centre in Spring 2019. Here is some feedback from a participants: “Amazing! I loved diving into myth and meaning in the discussions we had. the sessions always opened up new perspectives and it was a joy to share our reflections and insights.” Alice Fernbank, storyteller.

Svend-Erik Engh lead the series with additional guest storytellers.
In the sessions of 2020 we will only concentrate on the Nordic Myths as Svend-Erik Engh is born in Denmark.

The sessions are a continuation of the work of starting a Folkehøjskole here in Scotland.


Edinburgh, Edinburgh


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