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Network Artists at The Holy T 2018

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Network Artists at The Holy T 2018

Von Kostenlos



18. Mai 2018, 18:00 Uhr - 19. Mai 2018, 15:00 Uhr


Network Artists North East will once again work with the team at the Holy Trinity Church to organise another fantastic weekend art sale.

The event will be free to the public and take place over the Friday and Saturday 18/19th May 2018

Day 1: Friday 18th - 6pm to 9pm (with drinks and nibbles)
Day 2: Saturday 19th - 09:30am to 3pm

A cafe for hot and cold drinks. There will also be food stalls on Armstrong Bridge as part of the Jesmond Festival, which is running from the 5th May until the Bank Holiday Weekend, so you should benefit from additional footfall and extra promotion opportunities. However, as there is a limited natural footfall to the venue, it is essential that artists are proactive in promoting the event. Please promote via your own networks and use social media where possible. Leaflets will be available to those that can promote in their local area, but we understand that this is not always plausible.

We will create the events page and share details on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, so make sure that you are following us and please like, comment and share when you see these.

Our Social accounts are:

Facebook: NetworkArtistsNorthEast
Twitter: @NetworkArtistsN
Instagram: @networkartistsne

This is a ‘meet the artist’ event where you will create your own displays based on tables and vertical hanging screens or easels. There will be no display equipment provided, but tables can be hired at a fee of £2.50 each

Here are a few examples of previous displays

Please choose the appropriate ticket, table and power options when booking

If you have any questions, please contact Jo Singh admin@networkartists.org.uk



Holy Trinity Jesmond Holy Trinity Jesmond, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 1HB Newcastle upon Tyne


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    Falls mehr Tickets verfügbar werden, wirst du benachrichtigt (per Email), sowie andere der Liste beigetreten sind. Käufe finden auf einer First-come-first-serve Basis statt. Für mehr Information, hier lesen.

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