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NATURE OF THE BEAST (Daniel Draper, 2017, Cert PG) + Director's Q&A

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NATURE OF THE BEAST (Daniel Draper, 2017, Cert PG) + Director's Q&A

De GBP 6,00



10 Nov 2017 19:15 - 22:30
Billetto Peace of Mind
Réservez en toute confiance : Billetto garantit le remboursement des événements annulés, assurant ainsi votre tranquillité. En savoir plus


Selected for this year's East End Film Festival we are delighted to bring you this feature-length documentary about socialist and Labour politician Dennis Skinner. Raised alongside nine siblings within a mining village, Dennis has fought for the rights of the working class for over 50-years. Uncompromising in his views and with a set of incorruptible principles, Dennis is respected and feared on both sides of the House of Commons. Nature of The Beast looks at what lies behind his passion and drive, and tracks his rise from a local councillor to today where he is one of Britain's most recognisable politicians - known as ‘The Beast of Bolsover’.

After interviewing Dennis for a previous project about Robert Tressell's book The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists, Dennis agreed to allow Shut Out The Light to produce the first feature documentary about his life and contribution to British politics. Principal photography began in 2014 and was financed primarily through trade-union donations. Shooting was completed in the summer of 2016. A successful Kickstarter campaign then raised the remaining funds needed to complete post-production.

We will be joined by the writer/director Daniel Draper for a post screening Q&A.


Pizza at the Pictures – order a pizza or lasagne with your ticket(s) by 1pm on the day of the screening and we will have it fresh and ready for you at 8pm. All pizzas are made with fresh dough, hand thrown and stone baked in a traditional Italian way.

Choose from:
- Vegetariana (Mushrooms, peppers, onions, broccoli, mozzarella & tomato)
- SFL Classic (Pepperoni, ham, mushrooms, peppers, mozzarella & tomato)

- Vegetarian/Meat Lasagne

As usual we will be serving freshly made popcorn, organic meat hotdogs, veggie hotdogs and delicious ice-cream. There will also be a pop-up bar.

Bring along dvd(s) you have finished with and swap for other(s) that members of the audience have brought along themselves.

Have a browse of our second hand books. There might be something that takes your fancy!

Doors open 7.15pm, Film 8.00pm, Q&A, Close 10.30pm

Ticket only: £8/£6 conc (senior citizens, unwaged, students)

Ticket + meat pizza/lasagne: £16/£14 conc

Ticket + veggie pizza/lasagne: £15.50/£13.50 conc

The venue is fully wheelchair accessible.


CentrE17, 1 Church Hill, Walthamstow, E17 3AB London

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