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Natural Dyeing Yellow - Hackney Colour Wheel

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Natural Dyeing Yellow - Hackney Colour Wheel

De GBP 55,00


Day one of a three session course that will teach you how to make your own sustainable colour wheel using just plant based dyes. There will be an emphasis on plant dyes that can be grown in the UK and are colour fast. This course is for people who want to delve a little deeper into the sustainable world of natural dyes whilst learning how to dye with traditional methods.

This first session will look at the colour yellow. Which plants, food and garden waste will give you a range of yellows and how to avoid the you tube video pitfalls. We will also explore changing colours with pH, modifiers and overdyeing as well as some simple resist techniques to create pattern. 

Although all fabrics used in the class will be prepared ready for dyeing you will still have a chance to learn about the scouring and mordanting processes. 

The second session will be the colour Red with the emphasis on the dye plant madder. 

The third session will be the colour Blue where we will look at the difference between woad and indigo. 

In the this course you will learn:

  • Preparing fabric for dyeing
  • Preparing dried and fresh plants for dye baths 
  • Saving and using plant & food waste for sustainable dyeing
  • Making modifiers and natural mordants
  • Pattern making with modifiers and mordants
  • Resist dyeing techniques

You will leave with comprehensive knowledge based around natural dyes, and a self made workbook to refer back to.

Cordwainers Grow is a social enterprise and 10% of your ticket price goes towards our community classes. This means we can offer classes for free and reduced places to local residents.

Please note

Unfortunately we cannot offer refunds on purchased tickets unless these are made 7 days before the event is due to commence. When you are booking your ticket, please make sure you can attend on the date selected. For date change requests please contact us at least 10 days before your workshop date. Please email us for more details.


"Connecting people and place through discovery"

We are a Hackney based community interest company focusing on connecting people with the natural world in creative and collaborative ways. Through innovative teaching and experiential learning, Cordwainers Grow hopes to connect and inspire a network of social and environmental innovators.


Shoreditch Design Rooms Shoreditch Design Rooms, 2 Scawfell Road, E2 8NG London


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