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Mumming Parent Village Co-Working & Crèche

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Mumming Parent Village Co-Working & Crèche

Von 8,00 GBP


Mehrere Zeitschlitze

2 September 2019 - 23 Dezember 2019



Are you a work-from-home mum? Or have studying to get done? Do you find yourself feeling a bit disconnected and unproductive at home? Struggling with flexible childcare?

Come along to a Mumming co-working session! You can work on paid work or also come along to get your life admin done in a productive environment!

We have an on-site crèche open for 3 months to under 4 years - come with your kids knowing they will be safely looked after, or if they're in school or childcare, come along and join the co-working! 

Mumpreneurs co-working

|| Parent Village Co-working ||


How a Mumming co-working session works:

  • Drop the kids off in the creche if you’ve brought them with you
  • At the start we have some time to have a brief welcome chat to hear what everyone is working on- always interesting
  • We are all here to work, so let's be productive!
  • Write down 1-3 items you will complete or make clear progress on using the provided Mumming productivity sheet
  • We have members from a variety of backgrounds- from marketing, finance, virtual assistants, running your own business, social media consultants
  • It’s up to you how to use the time- whether life admin or work stuff, or if you just want a break!

|| The Mumming Crèche ||


Your kids will be cared for by highly qualified nannies and sitters from Super Sitters in a separate room – no more distractions.

All nannies and mannies are DBS checked and we’ll always have at least one in the room who is fully first aid qualified. If you’ve not yet found reliable child care to have evenings out, this is also a perfect opportunity to meet some fantastic sitters! Feel free to arrive 10 minutes early to settle your little ones in the crèche. The crèche is open for three hours and available for babies and toddlers 3 months to 3 years old. You can view more details on the creche including our regular nannies and mannies here.

Feel free to arrive 10 minutes early if you need to settle your little ones into the creche.   


Crèche & Co-Working  – £28

Co-Working - £7


  • Join the Mumming Mumpreneur Directory
  • Get a free Mumming desktop status sign after coming 3 times
  • Option to do a Guest Blog post & be featured under our #fleximumfriday weekly post with over 10k followers
  • Regular socials to take a break and get to know the group
  • We donate proceeds from socials to charities like Tommy's and Wonder Foundation


View other available times here



(view the FAQs page for more info)

When should I Book?

It helps us plan if you book as early as possible- the latest you can book a spot in the creche is 9pm the day before the event.

How can I contact the organizer with any questions?


I'm a mum of older kids- is it suitable for me?

Absolutely! It's suitable for any mum who wants to get out and get stuff done- it's more about your state of mind than age or age of your kids. We are all about supporting you to find the right balance between career and family time. Whether that's freelancing, working remotely, starting a business, pursuing a hobby or anything in between. Our regulars are a range of ages / ages of kids!

How does the creche work?

It's run by Super Sitters - qualified childcare professionals with plenty of experience so perfect whether you have a tantrum-prone toddler or young baby not used to being away from family- they have dealt with both before and can reassure you- you can even ask them to text you updates if you are worried (and the creche is just upstairs so you can easily pop in if you chose to!) Email us if you want details of the nannies/ mannies running the creche the date you are coming. You can also view more info on our creche page.

What's the refund policy?

We don't offer refunds as standard, but we understand that life with kids is unpredictable, so we will do all we can to accommodate any changes. For crèche bookings, we pay for childcare in advance so less than 48 hours notice means we can't refund, but we will transfer your co-working and/or workshop ticket to another date. Thank you!

Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event?

No- your name will be on the list so we'll sign you in. If using the creche, please sign your child in and out

Is my registration fee or ticket transferrable?

We can transfer your co-working ticket to another date within 2 months of the original date, but creche tickets cannot be refunded unless you can give more than 48 hours notice.

Mumpreneurs co-working



The Anglers The Anglers, 3 Broom Rd, TW11 9NR Teddington


  • Ich habe mein Ticket nicht per Mail erhalten. Was soll ich tun?

    Das erste was zu tun ist, ist dein Spam/Junk Filter und deine Inbox zu überprüfen. Deine Tickets wurden als Anhang verschickt und können von manchen Email-Diensten als Spam markiert werden. Alternativ kannst du deine Tickets immer in deinem Billetto-Account finden, welcher über einen Browser oder die Billetto-App verfügbar ist. Für mehr Hilfe damit, hier lesen.

  • Ich möchte meine Tickets stornieren und eine Erstattung erhalten. Was soll ich tun?

    Die Genehmigung einer Erstattung erfolgt ausschließlich durch Beurteilung des Veranstalters. Du solltest sie kontaktieren, um herauszufinden welche Möglichkeiten dir zur Verfügung stehen. Um dich mit einem Eventveranstalter in Verbindung zu setzen, antworte einfach auf die Bestätigungsemail oder nutze das "Veranstalter kontaktieren" Formular auf ihrem Profil. Für mehr Hilfe damit, hier lesen.

  • Ich habe mich auf der Warteliste registriert, was passiert nun?

    Falls mehr Tickets verfügbar werden, wirst du benachrichtigt (per Email), sowie andere der Liste beigetreten sind. Käufe finden auf einer First-come-first-serve Basis statt. Für mehr Information, hier lesen.

  • Wo finde ich den Link zu einem Online-Event?

    Sieh auf der Bestätigungsseite oder in deiner Bestätigungsmail nach. Normalerweise teilt der Veranstalter die Details in der Bestätigungsmail mit oder er könnte dir eine Follow-up-Mail mit einem Link zum Online-Event zukommen lassen. Du könntest eventuell auch die Eventbeschreibung aus Billetto durchlesen, wo Veranstalter beschreiben sollten,wie man dem Event online beitritt. Für mehr Info, hier lesen.

  • Was ist Erstattungsschutz und wieso brauche ich ihn?

    Erstattungsschutz sichert dich ab, falls unvorhergesehene und unumgängliche Umstände dich daran hindern, am Event teilzunehmen. Für mehr Info, hier lesen.

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