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De GBP 300,00



16 Mai 2017 11:00 - 13:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Réservez en toute confiance : Billetto garantit le remboursement des événements annulés, assurant ainsi votre tranquillité. En savoir plus


50 women (who happen to be mums) will come together every month for a business academy workshop run by business consultant Yvonne Fuchs and creative entrepreneur Jenny Scott.

The workshops will give you curated content covering every aspect of building your own commercially successful business, you will listen to and engage with expert speakers, there will be speed-networking aka building a lifelong network and fireside chats to encourage you to realise your business dreams.

This business academy is unlike any other business club out there! Read our testimonials to get a flavour of how mega it really is, and quick nab a ticket as they sell like hot cakes on a cold grey day

“Mothers Meeting business academy has been very much part of my everyday life since I got involved. I connect with the amazing network of inspiring, smart, kind mamas everyday and the support is just incredible!”

“Mothers Meeting business club has been a ray of light and inspiration and made me see my business in a completely new way. Yvonne is incredible and her passion is contagious. It's not an exaggeration to say that this course will change your life”

Have you got an idea you'd like to bring to life?

Are you looking to be inspired to help you unleash all that locked up creativity?

Do you have a blog/product/idea you'd like to structure into a commercially viable business?

Are you looking for a tight network of like-minded bad ass women to inspire, motivate and support you?

If you tick any of the above boxes the MOTHERS MEETING BUSINESS ACADEMY IS FOR YOU.

What you will get from our awesome 5 month course:

  • 15 hours of kickass business advice and learning
  • Structure to turn your initial idea into a commercially viable business plan
  • Invaluable advice from business consultants, entrepreneurs and experts
  • Mentors in Yvonne and Jenny
  • Guest speakers covering everything from; structure, planning, marketing/promotions, selling and finance
  • Networking to help build all aspects of your business support group
  • Contacts for your very own black book
  • Support network to keep you going through the highs and especially the lows
  • Peer Pressure (the good kind!) to help you take your business plan off the laptop and launch into the big wide world
  • Inspiration to help you achieve more than you would ever thought possible
  • Confidence
  • Access to private / closed Facebook group

May 16th Pip Goulden – Strategy

June 6th Dr Mayoni – Planning

July 4th Kirsty Hadley – Marketing and promotions

September 5th Daniella Lawler – Selling

October 3rd Sarah Mycake – Finance

November graduation

The business academy is run by Yvonne Fuchs and Jenny Scott.

“Jenny & Yvonne are the perfect mentors; they are so encouraging which gives you the confidence to really strive for your goals! I look forward to the monthly workshops and leave feeling truly inspired!! Thank you so much jenny for creating this wonderful network for mothers! You are one hell of a badass, intelligent, down to earth mama and beautiful inside & out! Keep growing Mothers Meeting!! So many mothers need this in their life!!”

Yvonne Fuchs
Author, public speaker, angel investor and founder of the social enterprise Brilliant Women.

Yvonne Fuchs has over 40 years experience in the Creative Industries which covers working in the family firm, (large cashmere and yarn manufacturing businesses) to senior management in academia, alongside considerable experience as a designer, coach and mentor.

She was the founding advisor of the first Creative Industries hub in London in 1996, including the development of a wide set of partners. She created her own design businesses in colouration and design in 1978 working internationally in the textile sector. She has a superb knowledge of the history of the development of the Creative Industries in the UK with a related professional network but also combines experience of top down policy implementation with bottom up experience supporting individual creative entrepreneurs and SME’s and increasingly social enterprises.

As Business Link started to wind down in 2004 Yvonne established her own consultancy working directly with creative companies. Her work on the development of business growth models, in particular “the branding workshop “as well as the mentoring and support for the sector has netted her a number of awards over the years. Her consulting portfolio comprises a mixture of SME’s across the creative industries. Yvonne regularly supports creative businesses through the process of negotiating licensing and franchise deals. A number of her clients from the creative technology sector have or are in process of raising finance with her guidance.

Her latest venture is the Zen of business a way of bringing the thinking of Zen to current business practice.

Specialties: Branding, Licensing, business growth Consultant
Creative Business
Social Enterprise
Executive Coaching & mentoring
Fashion ,textile and related industries, retail and consumer business
Retail and Consumer

"It has been inspiring to go on a journey with so many talented business women. It has given me the nudge I needed to really think about the direction I want to go in, and I always leave Mothers Meetings buzzing with ideas. I’m not nearly as far along in the journey as others, but it hasn’t mattered - it’s the first time in a long time that I’ve had confidence to explore my ideas and been given new skills to do that. The generosity of everyone in the room is amazing, and I think places of work and learning should all be a bit more like MM Biz Academy - it’s a safe place to learn, grow and make connections! Thank you!"

Jenny Scott

Jenny Scott is a recognised motivating influence as the Founder of Mothers Meeting – a leading network for women in the UK which inspires and supports an audience of over 50K women with events, content, and good old face to face and screen to screen interaction. MM has been referred to as a new breed of company and an agency with attitude which connects global brands to a vast network of influential and highly engaged women (who happen to be mothers) in London and the UK.

Over the past 6 years Jenny has grown a fierce following of thousands of tastemakers, professionals and influencers around the world from Fashion Editors, Actresses, Architects, Film Directors, Stylists and Journalists as well as business, tech and retail leaders … the list is endless.

As a successful Creative Director and Graphic Designer, Jenny decided to initiate and realise a desire to have a hip and honest place for women of all backgrounds to connect. Her no nonsense but sincere approach is reflected in her book: “How to be a Hip Mama without losing your cool” and this ‘Mama Manual’ and regular MM content (straight from the heart) is relied upon by her growing network who engage the moment she clicks post/publish.

Jenny is constantly creating content that is exciting, relevant and different to what is already on offer, and this proven record and unique ability to attract and connect with exactly the kind of audience she is after is why she attracts global brands; Soho House, Nike, Liberty London, MTV, Microsoft and Netflix, all of whom wish to work with her and engage with her extensive network.

"The collective energy of these power mamas is a force to be reckoned with. They're bold. They're brave. They're infectious."

"Mothers Meetings was a game-changer for me. I remember the first time I went to one during my second Maternity Leave. Though I was nervous to begin with I felt elated. I had finally found my tribe: a group of Mums who were trying to navigate Motherhood whilst clinging on to their own identity. Since then it’s given me a great network, amazing friends and tons of inspiration."








"Mothers Meeting business academy has been very much part of my everyday life since I got involved. I connect with the amazing network of inspiring, smart, kind mamas everyday and the support is just incredible!

Jenny & Yvonne are the perfect mentors, they are so encouraging which gives you the confidence to really strive for your goals! I look forward to the monthly workshops and leave feeling truly inspired!! Thank you so much jenny for creating this wonderful network for mothers! You are one hell of a badass, intelligent, down to earth mama and beautiful inside & out! Keep growing MM!! so many mothers need this in their life!!"

"It has been inspiring to go on a journey with so many talented business women. It has given me the nudge I needed to really think about the direction I want to go in, and I always leave MM buzzing with ideas. I’m not nearly as far along in the journey as others, but it hasn’t mattered - it’s the first time in a long time that I’ve had confidence to explore my ideas and been given new skills to do that. The generosity of everyone in the room is amazing, and I think places of work and learning should all be a bit more like MM Biz Academy - it’s a safe place to learn, grow and make connections! Thank you!"

"The collective energy of these power mamas is a force to be reckoned with. They're bold. They're brave. They're infectious."

"Mothers Meetings was a game-changer for me. I remember the first time I went to one during my second Maternity Leave. Though I was nervous to begin with I felt elated. I had finally found my tribe: a group of Mums who were trying to navigate Motherhood whilst clinging on to their own identity. Since then its given me a great network, amazing friends and tons of inspiration."

'MM business club has been a ray of light and inspiration and made me see my business in a completely new way. Yvonne is incredible and her passion is contagious. It's not an exaggeration to say that this course will change your life. '




Courthouse Hotel - Shoreditch, 335-337 Old St, EC1V 9LL London

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