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Monthly Nature Mentoring - October, November, December 2022

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Monthly Nature Mentoring - October, November, December 2022

De GBP 100.00



Oct 09 2022 10:30 - 15:30


This booking is for: Sunday 9th October, Sunday 13th November & Sunday 11th December 2022

Monthly Nature Mentoring is a year-round programme based in the beautiful Knott Wood, Hebden Bridge. The programme takes place on the second Sunday of every month and is bookable in 3 month blocks.

On the day we split into three groups based on age. Our ‘Squirrels’ group is for 6-8s, ‘Foxes’ for 8-10s, and 'Frogs' for 10-13s.

What is Nature Mentoring?

Spending time outdoors in nature is a powerful way for children and young people to connect with themselves and others, build confidence, and develop skills. Above all, it’s a chance to be themselves and have fun! We call it ‘mentoring’ because our approach is based on a model of teaching that allows children to follow their individual passions and interests in the outdoors. It promotes self motivation, genuine curiosity and empowerment. With a strong theoretical framework, this programme brings learning through play and hands-on experiential learning that takes nature education to a new level. Our mentors inspire young people to want to find out more and experiment for themselves whilst providing careful supervision and support.

Each session builds on the last to give young people the chance to really develop their skills and deepen their sense of self-esteem and confidence, as well as friendships. Getting to know a particular place throughout the seasons brings its own magic as we learn to notice and engage with the changes and cycles at play.

We believe that this type of learning is an excellent complimentary approach for any child to experience outside of the school setting. The bigger picture is about a sense of belonging, deep connection and competence in wild nature that can last a lifetime.

Session are led by experienced, qualified and passionate nature mentors.


Live Wild’s courses and programmes in the woods of North West England invite people of all ages to rediscover the ‘wild nature’ both inside and outside of us.

We offer foraging, family days, nature mentoring, forest school, skill shares, nature quests and more, all with wild exploration at their heart. We also run funded programmes with schools and organisations that promote healing and wellness through nature connection.


Knott Wood Knott Wood, Savile Road Bowling Club, HX7 Hebden Bridge


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