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Mixed Listening Circle | Sacred Circles: In Love We Heal

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Mixed Listening Circle | Sacred Circles: In Love We Heal

Da GBP 20,00



Feb 28 2018 19:00 - 22:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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After 6 months of successfully holding space for women to share, to laugh, to heal, to simply be, we are with much Love and excitement introducing our first ever Mixed Listening Circle because men deserve to be heard too.

When we hold space for someone, we send them the message that they matter. This is the gift of presence. When we meet in circle we join to hold everyone in sacred space and purpose. We are bringing forth an ancient way of connecting into modern times. We gather to share stories, to deepen our identities individually and in group—often with the intention to enable and shape a post patriarchal way of being. We also gather to heal life. We can meet in circle to share our joys our sadnesses, our weaknesses or whatever we feel we need support with, and we can meet in circle to help to change our world. Our society can make it feel especially difficult to find this space to be able to feel all spectrums of emotions. Men are made to feel ashamed, 'weak', 'not man enough', of feeling emotions of sadness or tears and tend to get stuck in anger and fear. Women can be told it is unbecoming to show anger so we get stuck in sadness and fear. The Listening Circle is a space to simply feel whatever it is you may be feeling. The Listening Circle is an opportunity to release in a safe space without judgement, advice or opinion, just a listening ear.

Our feelings can be our greatest messengers, they teach us about where we are right now in this present moment and what it is we need to heal in order to grow and move forward. Depression and anxiety can be linked to the suppression of emotions and with suicide on the rise it is our greatest intention to start creating space for everyone to be heard.

The beauty of bringing both men & women together also allows us the opportunity to understand each other better. To see each other, for who we really are. To be able to listen to one another and empathise with Love. To be there for one another. As human beings.

Every Listening Circle is an opportunity to be heard. Within the structure of the circle, there is no hierarchy; each voice is equally important, the story honoured and received fully. In this sacred space, a collective power is harnessed. And when there is focused intent on healing – individually and collectively – magic happens. The support, creativity, and sharing of ideas that is fostered in listening circles has the power to translate into something much larger and more palpable.

Join us in stepping into our authentic selves, building trust, connection, lifting each other higher, from human to human in a space to simply BE, nothing but our wonderful selves.

Below shows a rough schedule of what to expect during the evening:


A notebook/journal & pen

Wear anything you feel most comfortable in


7pm - Settle in & get cosy, healthy treats and tea served

7:15pm - a short introduction, welcoming and giving thanks. A little talk about why the Listening Circle was created, honouring our feelings in order to heal & the power of vulnerability.

7:30 - We open the circle together. Using products from South America to energetically cleanse, connect and brushing/shaking off any energy that was carried throughout the day followed by some breath work to help centre ourselves.

8:15 - Opening begins for the sharing circle, each one takes it in turn to speak and to be heard.

9:15 - Saging ritual, shaking off any energy, connection.

9:30 - short break followed by a closing of the circle with meditation, visualisation and Reiki.

10pm - Circle closes with affirmations, intentions, prayers or manifestations.


Luogo dell'evento

LIFESPACE, Location to be confirmed in follow up email, SW7 London


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