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Member Led Event: Woodland at Ranmore Common

événement terminé

Member Led Event: Woodland at Ranmore Common

De GBP 12,00



30 SEP 2023 07:00 - 11:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Réservez en toute confiance : Billetto garantit le remboursement des événements annulés, assurant ainsi votre tranquillité. En savoir plus


This is a Member-Led Event, with a maximum of 8 participants, led by Peter Stott LRPS.  This field trip includes White Down and Old Simm’s Copse, to catch the early morning light in Beech Woodland and coppiced woodland

This woodland is a small part of a much larger area known as Ranmore Common in Surrey. Most of the land is owned by the National Trust, but the area we shall be visiting is managed by the Wotton Estate in conjunction with Surrey County Council. This is an area of mature beech trees and coppices known locally as White Down and is popular with dog-walkers. This section of Ranmore lies at 725 feet and the rising sun comes a little after formal sunrise, then follows the natural slope of the land upwards towards the west. Sunlight filtering through the leaves along pathways creates innumerable and changing possibilities for photography. Mist makes it especially attractive.

Meet: at White Down Car Park (Free parking) at 07:00. (Golden hour starts 07:44). This is about half a mile south down Whitedown Lane from its junction with Ranmore Common Road.  What3words: warns.mugs.props.  Grid.Ref.   115495.  The nearest post code is RH5 6SL which is a building on Ranmore Common Road to the west of of Whitedown Lane. Finish is around 11:00.

Parking: is free (above)

Toilets: there are no public toilets.

Terrain: stable and level with soft tracks, occasionally muddy after prolonged wet weather.

What to wear: Wear suitable outdoor clothing for the weather, including waterproof jacket (just in case). Walking shoes or trainers are advised. We shall not be walking more than 2 miles.

Food & drink: Bring Packed breakfast/lunch.  There is a mobile cafe at National Trust Car Park 2 miles to east. Alternatively, pubs in Gomshall and Shere to south.

What to bring: camera; tripods and filters could be advantageous.

Bad weather plan: if heavy rain, then the trip may be postponed or cancelled.

Advice: This is a member-lead event, simply to introduce you to a location, with no professional guidance. The leader is also willing to offer general technical support and advice to inexperienced photographers. 

Terms for RPS Landscape Group Events:

Carbon offsets

Tickets for events that involve travelling include a £2 carbon offset charge that will be paid to a carefully researched and selected offsetting partner.

Cancellation by You:

If you wish to cancel your booking PLEASE let the event leader / organiser know with as much notice as possible. If nothing else, this can avoid them delaying the start of the event while they wait for you.

If you have paid for an event, please note that this fee/ticket price is non-refundable unless we are able to sell your place to somebody else. You are welcome to sell your place yourself but, again, PLEASE notify the event leader / organiser in advance of any change.

Cancellation by us:

Event leaders are asked to make plans for alternative activities or locations in the case of poor weather and, in most cases, events will proceed despite poor weather unless, in the view of the event leader, the weather will lead to unacceptable safety risks or very little chance of successful photography. It is inevitable, however, that occasionally an event will be cancelled for this or another reason beyond the RPS’s control.

Occasionally an event may also be cancelled owing to lack of bookings. So if you wish to attend an event, don’t leave it till the last minute to book as it may be too late.

If an event is cancelled we will give you as much notice as we are able and any payment by you to the RPS in respect of the event offered as a full refund. In the case of events cancelled because of lack of interest we will aim to give at least three weeks’ notice wherever possible.

Please note we are NOT able to refund any associated or consequential costs including but not limited to travel, accommodation, insurance premium or other costs incurred by you in order to attend the event.


You are responsible for your own health and safety and must appraise your own strength, fitness and mobility; and be prepared for the terrain, changing weather conditions etc. The event leader is NOT responsible for your safety, welfare or attendant medical conditions. Strictly the event leader is there to introduce you to a location.

You are responsible for your equipment etc at all times; use suitable bags for carrying it.

Car-sharing lifts with fellow participants, or the event leader, is at your own risk. Those offering car-sharing lifts may only do so provided that they have suitable insurance cover. 

Liability for any accident, injury, medical condition, loss or damage to property, inappropriate behaviour, dress, equipment and third party liability is accepted by you when signing up for the event. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Royal Photographic Society from all claims of whatsoever nature.


You are advised to consider having insurance to cover: event cancellation by you or by us, accident, medical, personal equipment and public liability.

In particular you should also consider, in the case of high cost events, the likelihood and consequences of you having to cancel or not attend at the last minute because of accident, medical or other unforeseeable circumstances.

Using your data:

Your personal details (name, telephone number and email address) will be provided to the leader of the event or workshop you have booked in order to enable them to:

  • send you joining instructions for the event
  • contact you at short notice in case of any emergency or last-minute change to the event.

If you do not want your details to be shared with the event leader please cancel your booking immediately. You will not be eligible for a refund as this information was provided on the web page where you made your booking.

Thank you

RPS Landscape Group Committee


Events organised by the Landscape Group of the Royal Photographic Society.


White Down Car Park, Whitedown Lane, Ranmore Common

FAQ (Foire Aux Questions)

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    La première chose à faire est de vérifier vos filtres de spam et votre boîte mail. Vos billets ont été envoyés en tant que pièce jointe et peuvent être considérés comme spam par certains services de messagerie. Sinon, vous pouvez toujours trouver vos billets sur votre compte Billetto auquel vous pouvez accéder dans les navigateurs ou l'application Billetto. Pour plus d'aide à ce sujet, consultez ceci.

  • Je souhaite annuler mon billet et me faire rembourser. Que dois-je faire ?

    L'approbation des remboursements est entièrement décidée par l'organisateur de l'événement, et vous devez prendre contact avec lui pour discuter des options s'offrant à vous. Pour contacter l'organisateur de l'événement, il suffit de répondre à l'e-mail de confirmation de votre commande ou d'utiliser le formulaire "Contacter l'organisateur" sur le profil de l'organisateur. Pour plus d'aide à ce sujet, consultez ceci.

  • Je me suis inscrit sur une liste d'attente, que se passe-t-il désormais ?

    Si des billets supplémentaires sont disponibles, vous en serez informé (par e-mail) parmi les autres personnes qui se sont inscrites sur la liste. Les achats se font selon le principe du premier arrivé, premier servi. Pour plus d'informations, consultez ceci.

  • Où puis-je trouver un lien vers un événement en ligne ?

    Consultez la page de confirmation de votre commande ou l'e-mail de confirmation de votre commande. En général, l'organisateur de l'événement fournit les détails dans l'e-mail de confirmation de la commande ou il peut vous envoyer un e-mail de suivi avec un lien vers son événement en ligne. Vous pouvez également consulter la description de l'événement sur Billetto où l'organisateur de l'événement devrait décrire comment rejoindre l'événement en ligne. Pour plus d'informations à ce sujet, consultez ceci.

  • Qu'est-ce que la protection des remboursements et pourquoi en aurais-je besoin ?

    La protection contre les remboursements vous donne l'assurance qu'en cas de circonstances imprévues et inévitables vous empêchant d'assister à un événement, vous pourrez demander un remboursement. Pour plus d'informations à ce sujet, consultez ceci.

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