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London Santa Skate 2017

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London Santa Skate 2017

De Gratuito



Dec 16 2017 14:00 - Dec 17 2017 00:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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On Saturday 16 December 2107 the biggest costumed street skate of the year takes place.

First run in December 2004, the SantaSkate snowballed from a handful of skaters to over four hundred at last year's event and this year promises to be even bigger!

In aid of London's free skating events and all things festive the SantaSkate is brought to you by LondonSkate and its friends from the London Friday Night Skate (LFNS) and the Sunday Stroll. This year it will aim to attract between 400 and 500 roller skating Santa’s from as far away as Germany, France and even Lapland!

Santa Suits & Skate

The fun begins with the distribution of Santa Suits at The Monkey Puzzle Public House on Sussex Gardens, London, W2 1JQ from 2-4pm. The skating Santa’s will then assemble by the Wellington Arch, Hyde Park Corner ready to depart at 5pm on a two hour street skate around the roads of central London covering a distance of 9-10 miles.

Christmas cheer and tunes will be spread by the musical sleigh sound systems; the LondonSkate BassFreight and ASBOxes, Thumpers I and II and the LFNS BRYANbox who will once again be led by the trusty skating reindeers to keep the party vibe going! As always the skating Santas will be by looked after by Santa's very experienced little helpers, the Marshals.

We will take a friendly and leisurely pace around some of London’s top tourist stops before half time mince pies at around 6pm in Trafalgar Square. Santa can only fit so much in his sack, so please bring you own pies to make sure you don't miss out! After a short break the skating Santas will return to the streets for another hour before heading back to The Monkey Puzzle Pub.


After the SantaSkate, Santas need to make their own way over to this years bigger and better SantaSkate Xmas bash. At new venue the Royal Standard, 8 Sale Place, W2 1PH where our DJs will be mixing it up from 8pm till 2am. for the Serpentine Road Crew Christmas Party.


Tickets are £12 including a Santa suit or £8 without (for those who want to be a little more individual). After the costs of running the Santa Skate, every penny goes to running London's free weekly skates (LondonSkate, LFNS and the Sunday Stroll). No one gets paid.

Under 16s go free and we will even throw in a adult Santa suit, but we can't promise it will fit.

Please order as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. Skaters in own costumes are kindly asked to support the skate and obtain a voucher. All money raised will be used to support London’s free skating events in 2018.

So come along and join the festive fun… a skating Santa and help make the 2017 SantaSkate even better!



The Monkey Puzzle, 30 Southwick St, W2 1JQ London


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