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London Piano Meetup Group 'Xmas party' performance event

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London Piano Meetup Group 'Xmas party' performance event

Von 5,00 GBP



08. Dezember 2017, 18:00 Uhr - 23:30


London Piano Meetup Group is celebrating another year of adult amateur pianism with our second annual Christmas party! In order for as many of our pianists as possible to play, we have use of the 1901 Arts Club and its lovely Steinway C for the *whole* evening, as well as use of the bar upstairs. Canapes and two free drinks per person are also included.

The London Piano Meetup Group provides a friendly, supportive environment in which to air full pieces, parts of pieces, ‘works-in-progress’, improvisations, own compositions - anything piano related! Instrumentalists with piano accompaniment are also welcome - to arrange any ensembles or accompanists, please go to the group's facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/LondonPMG) and post a message there.

For this special event, we will divide performances into roughly 3 x 1 hour slots - please choose which you want to play in by buying the appropriately labelled ticket. These will be somewhat flexible on the night, but we need to make sure those performers who need to leave early, or arrive late, are accommodated in terms of timing. There will be a cash bar available throughout, (http://www.1901artsclub.com/uploads/3/1/0/5/310515...) and after all the performances we can stay in the bar upstairs to socialise for the rest of the evening. Guests are limited to max two per performer due to the small size of the venue.

Time limit for performers: 7 minutes

Performing slots available: 24 across the whole evening

Doors open: 6pm (but will be opened periodically throughout the evening for those who can't make it for 6pm)

All standards of player (beginners to advanced) are most welcome, especially those who have not attended one of our events before. Nerves when playing in front of other people are normal, regardless of how advanced you are or how long you have been playing, and everyone appreciates the challenges of performing in front of others - there is absolutely no judgement or competitive aspect at LPMG events, only mutual support from fellow performers and audience members.

Admission is through pre-bought tickets only, we do NOT sell tickets on the door; there are also no refunds on tickets. The ticketing link will close 24 hours before the event, so make sure you reserve your spot in time. The LPMG is run by volunteers on a not-for-profit basis, and all ticket sales go towards venue hire and associated running costs of the group's activities.

To be added to the mailing list to be alerted to future events as soon as they are announced, please contact the organisers at londonpianomeetup@gmail.com



1901 Arts Club, 7 Exton St, SE1 8UE London


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