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London Clownlife Weekend Workshop- SOLD OUT

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London Clownlife Weekend Workshop- SOLD OUT

De GBP 110,00



Nov 27 2021 11:00 - Nov 28 2021 17:00


London Clownlife Weekend Workshop

WHEN: November 27th & 28th 2021

Saturday/Sunday- 11am-5pm

WHERE: Rosemary Branch Theatre, Islington/Hackney London

INVESTMENT: (2 day course- 11-5pm)
* To avoid ticket link fees you can email: Please confirm your place ahead of payment as places are limited and this workshop has a history of selling out.

£110- early bird ( November 9th, 2021)

£120- concession thereafter (low/no income, student)

£130- full price

£175- Supporter/ High Earning

* Class size limited to 10 people- This course has a history of selling out.

The Clownlife- 2 day Intensive is finally coming back to London this November 2021 after a year and a half of pandemic world. 

Join us in a weekend that focuses on: Connection, Presence, Humanity, Self-expression, Play, Community, Authenticity, Risk taking/Stepping out of the comfort zone, Being seen, Listening and expressions of the Ridiculous.This weekend is an introduction to the philosophies of Clown without expecting you to become one. We will be looking at how the practice of Clown can help us to live whole heartedly, true to ourselves in every day life as well as improving performance, building confidence and communication with others.

* Whether you are a performing artist, comedian, public speaker, wannabe public speaker, creator, innovator, drama/art therapist etc. or someone who just wants to come out of their shell and take a big risk to play and be seen this course is for you.Clown is not just a performance expression but a philosophy and way of life, a life of connection, expressive freedom, humour, authenticity, honesty, presence, intuition, risk, commitment and the ability to fail well. It's one thing to perform clown but another to adopt the profound teachings into your life and work. This is no easy feat, it's a deep developmental process unleashing your self-expression, understanding your limitations on a visceral level and taking courageous risks to express authentically before others.

“Great teachers are few and far between, but truly visionary ones are even more rare and worth their weight in gold. Zuma in her philosophies, teachings and continuous passionate spreading of ClownLife into this world is literally witnessing a contemporary visionary at work. For years, I have heard about Zuma’s unique insights to the creative voice and clown – and she delivers beyond any expectations, transcending our shared human condition into a self-charged gift into individual artistic expression. Zuma invites those around her to play with everything, embody everything and bring in creativity as a life practice for everyday.”- Elaine Weryshko (Participant of Harnessing Your Creative Practice Course January 2021)


There is no limit to the profound teachings Clown explores- which is why Clownlife offers bespoke workshops tailored specifically to the needs and desires of the group. You name what you want to focus on and we will dive right in. No two workshops are ever the same- as the focus changes depending on who is in the space. But I can say the topics below will most likely be on the collective list of intentions ...

+Being seen and seeing others
+Expressions of the wild self
+Heightening a sense of Intuition
+Accepting all of ourselves- "You are enough to be loved".
+Understand how the world sees you
+Share your humility
+Go beyond your protective mask and stand authentically
+Commit and follow through
+To share honestly with vulnerability and sensitivity
+To meet your limitations and challenge yourself to go further
+To laugh at yourself and see the humour in your world
+Having a ridiculously fun time while diving in to the depths of exploring the self.

A practical and playful transformational development courseSide effects may include:
Smiling, guttural laughs, freedom of expression, self-confidence, curiosity and a profound understanding of self and other.

Whilst there are hundreds of clown gurus around the world who teach their expertise and specific styles- this course was designed by Zuma in order to apply the nature, wisdom, philosophy and games of clown to expand our lives beyond the ordinary. Zuma has extensively trained with over 50 leading clown teachers worldwide for the past 14 years (including full 1-2 year intensive programs with Philippe Gaulier- Paris France and the School Of Clown and Comedy- Montréal, Francine Côté- Cirque Du Soleil) just to mention a few. "Clowns foundation, philosophy and practice can enhance our lives exponentially. Let us go beyond the ordinary- to feel what it is to truly live, beyond limitations, finding freedom from the compounds of our over thinking minds and finally be real with others and ourselves. 

For those who have a yearning to live deeply, full heartedly, playfully and genuinely- this course was designed for you. Offering all the best teachings from years of training with a focus on personal development and how clown can enhance your life.Zuma is also a wellness facilitator, NLP Practitioner and co- founder of Neuro Linguistic Clowning (in collaboration with Ben Grassby NLP Bristol). Outside of her work with clown she enjoys teaching rewire the mind workshops, self healing practice, guided meditation/journeys, vocal freedom techniques and fire/ cacao ceremonies; with groups and one on one. Her keen interest in self-healing and personal development was a major player in the design of this intensive. Thusly combining years of personal developmental research and deep introspection with extensive practical study." If you're someone who wants to be a world-class clown, I highly recommend my teachers... However, if you’re someone who wants to be gently introduced to the world, take a risk, be seen, witness others doing the same, learn about yourself and your patterns, have a good laugh, meet your sense of humour and authentic nature, accept all of yourself, and enjoy how the philosophy of clown can enhance your life/work/performance exponentially then I look forward to seeing you on the course- Zuma

* Refund policy:
There are no refunds on tickets, tickets can be transferable to another participant if organised by the buyer up to 12 hours before the event.In particular cases of extreme circumstance with at least 24 hours notice of cancellation, the buyer may be authorised a transferred ticket to a course at a later date.



Rosemary Branch Rosemary Branch, 2 Shepperton Rd, N1 3DT London


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