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LDC x INTERLACED: Who Fashion Forgets - ageism, inclusivity + adaptive materials

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LDC x INTERLACED: Who Fashion Forgets - ageism, inclusivity + adaptive materials

Von 12,00 GBP



17. März 2020, 18:30 Uhr - 21:00


While fashion has somehow had an ‘awakening’ over the last couple of years, the industry still favours predominantly white, skinny, privileged girls on magazine covers (and our Insta feeds), catwalks and brand campaigns. Things are not that different in branded HQs, where senior board members are middle-aged men. But with consumers increasingly not just calling out companies that aren’t inclusive but boycotting them too, diversity is not just a nice-to-have box that you can tick off your company list. It’s a necessity directly linked to your company’s bottom line.

We have invited industry experts in the world of design, culture and branding to address the ones that fashion forgets. We will cover everything, from adaptive materials to ageism, race, plus size fashion and even prosthetics. Join us to find out why inclusivity should be part of your business strategy, the benefits for brands and much more.

Who's this event for?

Anyone wanting to better understand trends in marketing communications and product development, in relation to the fashion, retail and beauty sectors, and for anyone who wishes to find out more about the importance of diversity, innovation and emerging technologies for businesses.

Please note that by signing up for this event your contact details will be shared with both LDC and INTERLACED.

Moderated by Kristina Dimitrova (Founder, INTERLACED)


Ryan Mario Yasin (CEO, Petit Pli)

Ryan is a trained aeronautical engineer and the CEO of Petit Pli - a wearable technology company that creates clothes that grow with your child. Inspired by aerospace engineering, Petit Pli’s continuous size adjustment is a new way of approaching garment design - one suitable to high growth rates in children. Petit Pli uses technical materials that are ultra-lightweight, reinforced, rainproof and breathable because children are extreme athletes.

Since launching in 2017, Petit Pli has scooped numerous industry awards including James Dyson Award (2017), Dezeen’s Best Wearable Design Award (2018) and H&M’s Global Change Award (2019).

Trishna Daswaney (Director, Kohl Kreatives)

Trishna is the founder of Kohl Kreatives - a company developing ethical, vegan and free-standing make-up brushes that aim to bring the power of make up to everyone. The Kohl revolutionary brush sets are for everyone but specifically help transitioning transgender people and recovering cancer patients regain self-esteem by running free makeup workshops and consultations. Since launching the non-profit, Kohl has been widely recognised and sold through Boots, QVC and Birchbox.

Zak Timol (Creative Director, Velsvoir)

Zak is an entrepreneur and Creative Director of international luxury brand Velsvoir. A lifestyle tastemaker, he has launched three start-ups and has plied his trade across Europe, Asia and Middle East working with many premium establishments including Sketch, Cafe Royal Hotel, GQ Dubai, Catalunya Singapore and Supperclub.

Since 2013, Zak has been awarded 'Best Regional Brand' by Esquire Middle East, nominated 'Best Menswear Designer' by Grazia Middle East and awarded 'Best Accessory Designer' by FF London. He was also recognised in the Esquire Middle East Top 100 influencers of the decade.

Emma Gardner (Managing Partner, ELVIS)

With more than 18 years’ experience in integrated production, tech and operations, Emma is Managing Partner and part of the board at agency ELVIS, a global creative partner for famous brands including Cadbury, Budweiser Brewing Group and OREO.

Emma is driven by a desire to make ELVIS an agency of the future, ensuring that it stays culturally relevant and progressive; whether that’s in its client work, talent initiatives or its voice in the industry. She’s passionate about innovation and is a strong advocate for diversity and inclusion, with a particular focus on disability, inspired by her daughter Dotty, who has a rare genetic condition.

She is a Pitch 100 Superwoman; part of the Future Female advisory board; a regular speaker at industry events; and a frequent commentator on issues around diversity and inclusion for publications like Campaign, Creativebrief BITE, Communicate and Transform.

What to expect:

6:30pm: Arrival + drinks

7:00pm: Panel

8pm: Q&A

8.30pm: Drinks + networking

9pm: Close



The LDC Concept Store The LDC Concept Store, 37 Brushfield St, E1 6AA London


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