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Kokedama Making at Alexandra Palace Garden Centre

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Kokedama Making at Alexandra Palace Garden Centre

Von 25,00 GBP



30. April 2018, 19:00 Uhr - 20:00


Kokedama Workshop

Join us to learn how to build your own Fern and Ivy Kokedama at Alexandra Palace, Capital Gardens Centre

Join us to learn how to create your own unique Japanese hanging plant arrangements. 'Kokedama' translates from the Japanese words for moss ('koke') and ball ('dama') - it is the art of freeing the plant from a container and planting it in a moss covered soil/clay ball. Kokedama evolved from the art of Bonsai - carefully made to brighten up Japanese homes, with people commonly creating 'string gardens' in which hanging Kokedama beautifully fill an empty space of a room. Kokedama are viewed as living art, with every one having the potential to be a completely unique creation . Kokedama also have a practicality to them as the external moss has the advantage of acting as a sponge, which you can dip in water every week and it will slowly release water to the roots of your plant.

Capital Gardens and Jar and Fern will provide all the information and equipment you need to make your own hanging Kokedama, using Asparagus Fern and Hedera Ivy as well as instruction on how you can make many more in the future - they make great gifts! This is a great individual or group experience for anyone who wants to learn some new indoor gardening skills. You will leave with a care guide for your Kokedama's and a neat green bag to carry it home in.

We will be hosting this event at the lovely Alexandra Palace Garden Centre famous for its garden plants and amazing house plant selection perfect for browsing before the workshop!


Kokedama details

  • Dimensions - You can choose the size of your Kokedama, but it will be roughly 10-20cm in diameter
  • Light - These enjoy a spot with indirect sunlight e.g. a North-facing window
  • Watering - Once a week

How To Find the workshop


Wood Green, Piccadilly line. Exit Wood Green station, go to bus stop A, take the W3 bus which stops outside the gates of the garden centre. (Bus stop: Alexandra Palace Garden Centre) Finsbury Park, Victoria line. W3 bus, alight at Alexandra Palace garden centre.


Alexandra Palace station at the Wood Green entrance to the park of Alexandra Palace. Week day service from Moorgate or Kings Cross, changing at Finsbury Park. When off the train its roughly a 20 minute walk through the park until you reach Alexandra Palace way where the centre is located.


W3 runs past the garden centre. Bus runs from Northumberland Park to Finsbury Park. Stops outside the Garden Centre gates.


Muswell Hill to Alexandra Palace Garden Centre B550 then turn into Alexandra Palace Way A504. The garden centre is situated on the left just before the Palace.

Crouch End via Park Road A1201, across the junction into Alexandra Palace Way A504, Garden Centre is situated on the left.

Where can I contact the organiser with any questions?


Is my registration/ticket transferrable?

Yes, if you are unable to attend tickets can be used by someone else. Please contact us directly if you are unable to make it on the day.

How to I get my Kokedama home?

We will provide a neat green bag to take your Kokedama home.


Kokedama workshop London | Kokedama Course London | Kokedama Workshop | Kokedama Terrarium Course


Hi! We are passionate about terrariums and have been making and working with them for 5+ years now. We love meeting the lovely people that come to our workshops and seeing the joy that comes from making a beautiful ecosystem from scratch.


Alexandra Palace Garden Centre Alexandra Palace Garden Centre, Alexandra Palace Way, N22 7BB London


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