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Know Your Bias workshop

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Know Your Bias workshop

Da Gratis



Ago 01 2018 14:00 - 17:30


Hands up if you’re ready to learn more about creating a diverse and inclusive workplace? Hurrah! OK, now, hands up if you’re worried that diversity and inclusion training means death by Powerpoint and reams of handouts?! Well, fear not, the Know Your Bias workshop by award-winning organisation, The Other Box, is anything but dry. We’ll help you uncover your unconscious biases and explore real-life experiences in a thought-provoking, interactive workshop where you’ll take away practical tips to apply straightaway at work.

Know Your Bias

Whether or not we like to admit it, we all have unconscious biases. They affect our perceptions, our decision-making processes and our workplace cultures. Becoming aware of an unconscious bias is the first step to changing that; and it can ultimately help us all create a more inclusive and productive working culture.

Who is this workshop for?

This workshop is for anyone looking to start meaningful conversations around diversity and inclusion in their workplace and have tools they can implement straight away to begin making a real difference.

Who are The Other Box?

Leyya Sattar and Roshni Goyate are two brown, working class women who have carved successful careers in the creative industries. But they were tired of feeling invisible and underrepresented - on high-profile panels, on awards juries, and at leadership level in agencies. So, they founded The Other Box, to change the way the industry thinks about diversity, to create role models for people of colour, and to provide a platform for underrepresented people doing amazing work in the creative sector.

Don't just take our word for it

I found the Know Your Bias event really useful and inspiring. The training was facilitated in such an open, accepting way that we felt supported yet free to speak our minds, which led to some really enlightening and refreshingly honest discussions. The pace of the workshop and size of group worked really well, and there was space to network afterwards in a relaxed environment. I will definitely take what I learnt back to my work and personal life, and am advocating for my organisation to book in some sessions too.

Into Film

“It was eye-opening to learn how asking a seemingly innocent question to another person can be interpreted in a demeaning context. The workshop massively raised awareness of how we can push our workplace to be a truly welcoming and inclusive environment for each and every person.”

Blue Zoo Animation Studio

When and where is this workshop taking place?

Our Know Your Bias workshop is taking place from 14:00 - 17:30, Wednesday 1st August 2018 at Facebook’s London Office.

How much does it cost?

We're offering a 'try before you buy' with a special discounted price of £99 per person. So grab a ticket whilst you can!

Any other questions?

Get in touch by emailing


The Other Box is an award-winning platform for increasing diversity, and celebrating people of colour, and people from underrepresented backgrounds in the creative industries.

Luogo dell'evento

Facebook London Facebook London, 10 Brock Street , NW1 3FG London


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