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John Muir Award Leader Training - Non-residential, London

Evento annullato

John Muir Award Leader Training - Non-residential, London

Da GBP 120,00


Billetto Peace of Mind
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This 2 day non-residential course gives a thorough introduction to the relevant skills, knowledge and approaches needed for delivering the John Muir Award scheme.

You should check suitability of the Award for your group prior to attending training.

The John Muir Award is a nationally recognised, individual award scheme that requires each participant to meet all its Criteria. This includes an understanding of why and how they are participating.

Our experience, and the feedback we've had from the many people and organisations we work with, is that the John Muir Award is ideally suited for those participants working at later stage of primary education and beyond (Year 4 and above in England & Wales, and Second Level in Scotland).

We have created a Family Award that welcomes involvement of all ages and abilities as part of a family group. This invites a collective participation to meet Award Criteria, rather than requiring them to be met by each individual.

If you are unsure whether the Award and the Leader Training is suitable for your group you can find further  guidance here, or contact to discuss further.

Those attending will have opportunities to:

  • Review and highlight experiences of, and interest in, the John Muir Award
  • Understand the ethos of the John Muir Award, its structure & criteria for gaining Awards
  • Participate in a variety of relevant outdoor and environmental activities
  • Plan and deliver a mock programme which meets John Muir Award criteria
  • Share experiences & review activities in the context of the Four Award Challenges

Who is it for?

Leader training is designed for staff, volunteers and leaders who are interested in delivering the John Muir Award (maximum of three participants from one organisation). Content is aimed at those already working with groups or organisations, but will also be of interest to individuals. Ideally, those attending will have at least one year's experience of working with groups.

What does it cost?

Cost is £120 for two days, including lunch and refreshments during the day. Reduced rate places of £100 are available for those attending in an independent/free-lance capacity and for charity representatives.* If this reduced rate is relevant to you please contact us at and we will provide you with a code to access these places on the booking system.

If cost is a barrier to you attending as an individual, then please contact us.

*Maximum of one reduced place per charitable organisation per training course - if your charity is booking for more than one person the reduced rate applies to the first participant only. If you are unsure which ticket type is right for you please don't hesitate to contact us (
Accommodation and Transport

The location of this training course is still to be confirmed - all participants will be notified once this has been decided. 

What happens if I have to cancel?

To receive a full refund, written confirmation of your cancellation must be received 4 weeks prior to the start of the course either by email ( or by post (John Muir Award, Tower House, Station Road, Pitlochry, PH16 5AN). We regret that no refund can be made in respect to bookings cancelled after this time.


John Muir Trust's engagement initiative encourages people to connect with, enjoy, and care for wild places.

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