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Ja Ja Ja x London in Stereo: Fieh, Lake Jons + Holy Now

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Ja Ja Ja x London in Stereo: Fieh, Lake Jons + Holy Now

De GBP 5,00



Feb 22 2018 19:30 - 23:00


After a festive break, it is time head back to The Lexington for a brand new season of Ja Ja Ja - London's ultimate Nordic club night!

Thursday 22nd February is the date of our first show of 2018, for which we've teamed up with the lovely people at London in Stereo who have hand picked a fantastic line up for us!

London in Stereo is THE ultimate London gig guide, always keeping us up to date with what’s hip and happening in the city – and they’re also folks of exceptional taste. As such, February’s Ja Ja Ja club night will feature performances from some of the hottest new Nordic artists; Norway’s new jazz pop superstar in the making Fieh (NOR), Finnish indie folk trio Lake Jons (FIN) and Swedish indie darlings Holy Now (SWE)!

Sign up as a Ja Ja Ja member now (for free!) to get tickets for just £5!

Fieh [NOR]

After the release of their debut single «Glu» on October 27th last year, interest surrounding Fieh has gone through the roof. Fieh was voted the most promising act for 2018 in an annual poll among Norwegian industry professionals, The FADER premiered their first music video and their summer tour is nearly fully booked with festival gigs at Norway’s biggest festivals like Bergenfest, Fredvika, Slottsfjell, Vinjerock, Øya and Pstereo, as well as Where’s the Music? in Sweden.

Fieh’s second single is called «25», where Sofie sings about doing her own thing, being down with her gang and the fact that hard work pays off. Her vocals are even more laid back than on their super debut «Glu», the song making you zone out completely until you gather yourself to the revelation that 2018 will work out just fine!

An explosion of summer energy – THE FADER

>> Watch ‘Glu' HERE -

Lake Jons [FIN]

Lake Jons is one of Finland’s most hyped bands, rolling in like a thick mist on a sweet northern wind.

Although Lake Jons appeared from a garage on the outskirts of Helsinki, their sound is birthed in the woods and melodies of the Nordic landscape Here, in Lake Jons, we find the harshness of the folk disposition coupled with the beauty of a northern mystic melody.

Lake Jons recently signed to US label AntiFragile, releasing their debut self titleddebut album in January 2018.

>> Watch “Colors” HERE -

Holy Now [SWE]

Holy Now cherishes and renews an indie pop built around captivating melodies and heartbroken lyrics. Songs about an unwillingness to grow up and stagnate. Timeless pop music with intimate melodies, yelling drums and sprawling choruses. Jangly fuzz pop where euphoria meets insomnia.

Based in Gothenburg, Sweden, the band debuted in 2016 with the EP "Sorry I Messed Up". The follow up EP "Please Call Me Back" was released in 2017 and helped establish Holy Now as one of the more promising bands on the prosperous Swedish pop scene.

In 2018 the band return with the single "Feel It All" from their upcoming debut album "Think I Need The Light", which is set to be released on the 27th April via Lazy Octopus Records.

>> Listen to ‘Feel It All’ HERE -



The Lexington, 96-98 Pentonville Rd, N1 9JB London


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