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Hypnotic Inductions: how they work and how to craft them!

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Hypnotic Inductions: how they work and how to craft them!

Von 15,00 GBP



08. August 2022, 20:00 Uhr - 22:00


There are an endless number of ways to get someone into trance. Eye fixation, pattern interrupt, overload, confusion, conversational, kinaesthetic... the list goes on! Maybe you've just started trancing people and want to learn more styles, or perhaps you've heard of some of those but you're not too sure what they mean. Maybe you've tried just reading a script from a book but you'd like more flexibility in designing inductions to fit your subject.

This class will be geared towards helping you be confident trancing without a script, using anything and everything to your advantage to take a subject into trance!

In this class, Sinister and Trix will take you through different hypnotic induction styles, demonstrating and explaining how they work and how to do them in the most effective way. We'll discuss how to have conversations with your subject about what would best style for to help them drop. We'll give our tips for refining your 'patter' and becoming more comfortable with conversational styles. 

Subjects are encouraged to attend! The more you learn, the more you can guide your 'tists towards the things that work best for you. 

This 2 hour class will take place on Zoom. The time zone shown here is UK, to see the class in your time zone go to https://notime.zone/N6cpf96RzC...

Pre-requisites: Attendees should have basic 101 knowledge of erotic hypnosis process, including a solid understanding of the consent issues. 


Mesmerotic Hypnotists Imaginatrix and Sinister run a variety of classes aimed at using hypnosis for erotic, sensual and kinky fun. Their shared passion is introducing people to the possibilities of erotic hypnosis in an accessible way. They create classes that teach risk-aware, consent-lead approaches to anything from the basic 101 to darker themes for experienced players.

Mind Play East Midlands (MPEM) is a space for folks into hypnosis, behavioural change, mind control, energy play and anything else that focuses on engaging the mind in kink! Every 1st Monday of the month, we gather to share knowledge, meet likeminded kinksters and practice technique in a casual way.


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