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how to talk to people about politics

O evento terminou

how to talk to people about politics

De Gratuito



May 13 2017 15:00 - 18:00


Would you like to

  • go canvassing during the general election campaign
  • talk to your family and friends about politics without it ending in tears
  • learn how to have debates, not shouting matches

Then this workshop with occupational therapist Georgia Twigg is for you.

The general election is coming, we don’t have much time, and we’re about to have a lot of difficult conversations. These conversations can feel like an argument, but we need to turn them into a dialogue. It isn’t easy, but let’s try.

In a three-hour experimental session we will

  • role play difficult conversations
  • learn more about open-ended questions, affirmations,
  • talk about how we can build up resilience

On Saturday 13th of May we’re offering an afternoon of workshopping conversational tools, facilitating change through talk, self-care in the moment of confrontation and recovery from confrontation. There will be a chance to make supportive connections and prepare strategies to keep up morale in the face of a daunting task.

We regret that the venue is not wheelchair accessible and that we can't provide free childcare this time, as we have not had any time to fundraise for our general election campaign. If you have any questions about the event, get in touch

This session is co-organised with Keep It Complex and has developed out of Georgia's and Laura Gordon's workshop "How to talk to people you disagree with" at the Unite Against Dividers weekend in January.

All are very welcome, but we will disclose that the workshop operates with an unashamed leftist bias.

If you can't make this time, we'll try to organise more workshops during and after the general election. Subscribe to our newsletter or follow @GBisNoisland.

Picture (c) Keep It Complex: Unite Against Dividers and Sam Curtis and the Institute of Anything


Keep It Complex is a starting point. Keep It Complex is our tool to get involved in everyday politics. We’re using art to have conversations with people we disagree with.


AND publishing studio, Teesdale St, E2 6PU London


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